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♡~ welcome back my little kittens~ ♡

*✧ ✰ 。*★,。・:・゚゚・:,。★*✧ ✰ 。*

"Master Loco's famous diet pills for women?"

My eyes widened in horror when I heard his voice reading the label back to me. 

As if a spell was cast, I found myself unable to move or look away from this stranger's questioning eyes.

'Please, God,' I started begging to the big man upstairs, 'if you're real then please get me out of this situation and I promise I'll start being a good person. I'll even help the old lady that lives next door. I know she always asks for my help to carry her packages and I know I always ignore her, but it just that she continues rambling on and never seems to shut-'

"Um," the man interrupted my inner babble, while an amused smile danced on his pretty face.

I was suddenly pulled back to Earth as I snapped out of my inner pleading. My eyes darted back and forth from his face to the diet pills he was currently holding in his hands.

'Should I snatch them and run?' I planned quickly. Glancing up at his arms, I bit my lip. 'There's no way I would be fast enough to approach him without realizing and then be able to take something from his monster grip with those muscular arms.'

As I continued my helpless debate, it promptly registered in my brain that the stranger and I were still close to the entrance of the supermarket and were practically hogging the entry. Mr. Arms here seemed to realize the same thing because he quickly stepped aside when an older couple began to make their way out of the supermarket.

While Mr. Arms was distracted and was apologizing to the couple, I took it as my only chance to escape this awkward situation. 

Without a further sound from my mouth, I quickly dashed away from the supermarket and the man, not caring that he called out to me as I ran and that he currently held $25 worth of my money in diet pills.

When I finally arrived home, I let out the biggest exhale I could muster. I practically ran all the way straight to my apartment, fearing that Mr. Arms would be bolting right behind me in an endeavor to catch me.

Setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter, I served myself a tall glass of water, still breathless from the situation that occurred just previously.

"Damn," I breathed out. "What luck I have."

Not only did I completely embarrass myself in front of a cute stranger, but I also wasted money.

Rubbing my temples, I made my way to my bed in hopes of finally ending this long, dreadful day.

"Master Loco will give you all his love," Master Loco stared at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

I stared back lovingly. "Master Loco," I whispered his name as if it was the sweetest words in the universe, as literal hearts danced around his face.

He gently took my hand and pulled my body towards his. The muscular build of his chest pressed against mine, making me ache with longing. His brawny arms snaked around my waist, flushing my body against his. At the sudden contact, I felt something hard rub against my thigh.

"M-Master Loco?" 

He saw my bashfulness at the situation and nodded, enjoying teasing me like this.

𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿 //  𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘦Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ