Pikulena Week Day 6 - First Meeting

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drag kings my beloved <3 

also bc i feel someone will have concerns, the drinking age in australia is 18! there is no underage drinking in this fic.

Pieck didn't go out often. She preferred to stay in to drink, with her nice warm socks and calming music at a level she liked. Of course, she didn't hate going out to drink. She'd go out if she was invited, like she was tonight. Pieck wasn't going to miss out on celebrating Porco's birthday, after all. 

So the friend group - with the exception of Annie, chronic workaholic and disliker of drinking and loud music - now walked together, halfway between two bars, half-drunk. Or fully drunk, in the case of Colt, who was being supported by Porco so he didn't fall over.

Pieck lagged behind the main group, her crutch slowing her down. Zeke stayed behind with her to keep her company - and talk at her. She didn't mind.  

"I have a friend who works there," Zeke explained. "I think she works Saturday nights. Well, we'll see when we get there, I suppose."

Pieck nodded, pretending to agree. "I'm sure she's nice."

Ahead, Reiner stumbled into a garbage can on the side of the road. Porco shouted and grabbed his arm with the one that wasn't holding Colt. Bertholt stood to the side and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Don't fall, dumbass!" Pieck heard. Reiner laughed drunkenly, clinging on to Porco.

"Perhaps this should be our last stop tonight," Pieck said lowly.

"Ah. That's a great idea," Zeke said. "One drink. We'll catch a taxi back to someone's house. We could go to mine. The likelihood of one of my siblings turning up is slim, though not impossible... hmm. Maybe yours or Porco's. I don't want to disturb any roommates." 

Pieck zoned out. Zeke didn't notice. 

They heard the music from the end of the street. A few patrons sat outside on the street, cigarettes between their fingers or lips, laughing together. The entranceway, that had a string of little rainbow flags above the door, had a bouncer standing in front. Their arms were crossed over their broad chest. They looked over the group as they approached. Pieck dug in the pocket of her coat for her proof-of-age card. It was always funny to see the bouncers' reactions when they realised she was 24 - though this bouncer didn't seem phased. 

"Alright, have a good night," they said, waving on the group.

"I'm always scared that they're gonna, um, that they're gonna arrest me or something," Bertholt mumbled, but it was barely audible over the music. 

"You've looked twenty for like, four years," Reiner said loudly. "You could have walked in at 16 and-"

He cut himself off with a cough. He doubled over and Bertholt was at his side in a moment, looking over in worry. 

"I'm fine!" He called. He stood back up straight and flashed a smile. 

The group made their way to the bar, looking at the drinks menu printed overhead. 

"God, they're not cheap," Porco remarked. 

"Well, the overhead for the bar is high," Zeke explained. "And the dockside club we went to first had far more expensive drinks on the menu."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna have a half-pint anyway." 

Pieck decided on a half-pint of cider as well. She wanted something nice and simple to finish off the night with. She didn't see what Zeke ordered, but she knew Bertholt hadn't gotten anything, and Reiner was forbidden from touching alcohol for the night. 

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