Last One Out of Wall Maria (SNK, Yumikuri)

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Alt. Title: History Girl.

Modern AU. Everyone is human. Based on an episode of SU. This one's actually pretty old in comparison to other stuff I've been working on.

"Red Bull or apple juice?"


"Too late, you're having apple juice."

"Fuck off," Ymir said, struggling to open the lid on the apple juice can. She hadn't really wanted to leave the house that night, but her wonderful roommates Bertholt and Reiner had been very persuasive. So here she was, going off to a concert to hang with some cool people. Cooler than the people she usually hung out with, hopefully.

"So this band is really good, I have like all of their albums..."

Whatever. She wasn't listening to what Reiner was saying. She couldn't because she was totally dumbstruck by the beautiful girl who had just entered the store.

She looked to be the same age as Ymir and the others, despite being on the shorter side of the height spectrum (probably only 5 feet). She took off her motorbike helmet and flipped her light hair, entrancing Ymir further. How could such a tiny, lithe girl pull off such a badass ensemble? A white cotton T-shirt and black jeans? Presumably a motorbike? Damn. The can of apple juice fell to the floor, forgotten.

She was snapped out of her trance by a clap on the shoulder. "See? There's a cool person right there. Go practice talking to her!"

At Reiner's encouragement, Ymir reluctantly walked over to the coffee machine, where the mystery girl was standing. Just act cool. Pretend you're here for a coffee too.

Ymir pulled a cup out of the stack next to the coffee machine but fumbled.

"Fuck-" the rest of the cups toppled over. Ymir tried to catch them but only made the situation worse. The cups fell all over the floor. Mystery Girl stared with a raised eyebrow, then turned and left the store, leaving Ymir on the floor covered in styrofoam coffee cups.

She could hear a slow, sarcastic clapping from behind her.

"Nice job," Reiner laughed.

"Whatever, let's just go."


"And she hasn't texted you back yet?"

They were on the road once more. Ymir was driving, while Reiner was 'helping' Bertholt with his current relationship predicament.

Bertholt just furrowed his brows while still looking at his phone.

"I should text her again," he said, quietly. Reiner spat out his drink.

"No! That is not what you do. You never send more than two consecutive texts."

Bertholt looked concerned. "But I have to apologise to Annie. Or know if she never wants to talk to me again. I have to know!"

"If you ask me, you should just straight up call her," Ymir said from the driver's seat.

"Wow, taking advice from you. Because you sure know how to talk to girls," Reiner remarked.

"Guys," Bertholt whispered. It went unheard.

"You weren't there by the cups. I could have talked to her, I just didn't have the opportunity. And you can't talk to guys either."


"That was different, and doesn't change the fact that you couldn't talk to that cool girl because you're a loser."

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