Here With You (Pokemon: Legends Arceus)

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Some background: this is something I wrote to take a break from a much longer PLA fic which is way more intense and came about from finishing the game at the same time I finished reading Harrow the Ninth. This isn't explicitly connected to that fic, but it can be read that way. Akari IS Dawn from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum in this, but it's never relevant so it's never mentioned. They're both 16-18 here.

This might be the first spatialdawn fic on here. That's cool.

The sun had disappeared behind a layer of clouds not long after leaving Firespit Island, bringing the evening chill to the coastlands early, and Irida had never been more grateful to be rid of the heat. The island was not quite visible from the shore, the great cliffs blocking the view between the two. Maybe that was for the best; if Irida gave the volcano's heat any more space in her mind, she'd melt then and there. There were still beads of sweat gathered at her brow, even now as the sun was dropping below the horizon.

Everyone was gathered at Iscan's home now, recovering from the fight on the island. Things calmed down once they had confirmed Akari's wounds were only superficial. Akari had shown interest in the baskets Iscan made, so he had enthusiastically begun to show off his handiwork. Palina sat next to him, working her hands through Growlithe's rocky mane, and watched his impassioned explanation with a tenderness Irida hadn't seen in a long, long time.

Irida had never properly spoken to the Diamond warden before today. He was a recluse, coming out only for ceremonial purposes. Despite his size, Iscan was a timid and jumpy man, frightened of anything that moved the wrong way. Even now they were out of harm's way, his speech was still quiet and stammer-filled - but Irida could understand what drew her friend to Iscan; he seemed so deeply kind. Irida knew what people in the Pearl Clan said about Palina. She wondered if Palina knew, or if she surmised from her treatment on her visits home. Irida was grateful that Iscan showed Palina kindness. She deserved it.

Then it was with horrific shame that Irida realised an outsider - a member of the Diamond Clan, no less! - was the one Palina sought comfort in rather than one of her own.

The shame suddenly gave Irida an acute awareness of everything that touched her body. She could feel every tooth in her mouth. The sweat on her face felt as if it had congealed. The grass brushed against her leg until it finally became unbearable and she had stood, excused herself, and travelled down the hill to calm herself down before anybody noticed.

The sight of the ocean helped calm her. From here the voices of Akari and the Coastlands' wardens were distant, barely audible over the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore. Irida sat on the sand and closed her eyes. She could lose herself in Sinnoh's vast domain, here where she was nothing but a speck in the presence of its most divine creation.

Heavy bootsteps crunched in the sand. She knew it was Akari - only the Galaxy Team wore boots that heavy. The girl kept a respectful distance, staying quiet until Irida opened her eyes. Akari smiled at her. Wordlessly, Irida moved her legs, and gestured for her to sit. She did.

"The uh, the ocean's really nice," she said.

And it was. The sun's last light reflected off the water, painting it pink-orange. The light cast a warm glow over the beach, too, bathing Akari so that she seemed to glow. Even despite her injuries - the newly-ascended (and subsequently frenzied) Lord Arcanine had proven his strength - she was beaming. Irida blinked, and tore her gaze away from Akari.

"Yes. It truly is beautiful."

"Palina said to ask if you were staying for tea," Akari said quickly, changing the topic. "We need to know how much rice to cook."

"Yes, I'll stay. It's a long way back to the Icelands, and travelling at night can be dangerous." She stressed the last part as she eyed Akari. Frankly, it was a miracle she had never gotten seriously hurt with how much time she spent alone in Hisui's wilderness. Akari didn't seem to notice the warning tone in her words, though. She nodded, her smile remaining the same. She looked back out at the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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