Meeting The Friends

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"Guys, this is Speedrick," Blaze announced as he, AJ and a white race car with fiery red hair got off of Swoops. "He's our friend from Velocity Ville. Speedrick, these are our friends; Stripes, Darington, Watts, Starla, Gabby, and Zeg,"

"Hello!" Zeg greeted.

"Nice to meet ya!" Starla waved.

"Hi there," Watts and Gabby said.

"Hey there!" Stripes spoke.

"Hiya!" Darington smiled. "It's good to meet new friends!"

"The pleasure is all yours, of course," Speedrick grinned, his head high and proud. "I am Speedrick, the fastest race car in all of the world!"

"Really, now?" Starla raised an eyebrow as they all flinched at the familiar tone of the race car. "And I thought Blaze was the fastest in his race car form,"

"Oh, he is, but primarily, I alone am the best and the fastest!" Speedrick proudly told them.

Watts frowned, and Gabby sighed, shaking her head. Stripes groaned and turned to Blaze and AJ with a quirk of an eyebrow. The pair nervously chuckled.

"Um, Speedrick," AJ dismounted and headed to the race car's side. "Maybe we should take you on that tour we promised,"

"Excellent idea!" Speedrick beamed then he turned back to the group. "It was good to meet you all!"

With that, the trio took their leave. As soon as they were gone, Starla released the growl she's been holding in.

"Great, we've got TWO Crushers now..."

"I know, right?" Watts slapped a tire on her face and shook her head. "And I thought Crusher alone was annoying,"

"Does Blaze even know how... irritating he is?" Darington grumbled.

"His voice alone gets on my nerves," Stripes hissed.

"Should friends tell Blaze and AJ?" Zeg asked them.

"I... think they're gonna find out," Gabby let out a sigh. "Eventually..."

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