"Me and my sister fell out a long time ago. I tried to call her when I found out what had happened but she didn't answer" she shrugged.

I nodded my head and looked back at Vanessa as I picked up her hand to hold.

"I'm sure Vanessa's told you about her parents and what happened that night she left but I never knew their drink problem had gotten so out of hand. If I did I would have called CPS and took care of Nessie myself" she sighed.

"She doesn't blame you for anything, she talks about you all the time and her face always lights up" I said.

"You're a good guy Tommy, I'm glad you guys found each other" she smiled.

It was nice knowing I had her approval. I knew Vanessa didn't care but I always wanted people to like me.

I felt something tighten in my hand and my eyes widened as I looked down.

"What!? What is it!?" She asked as she sat forward.

"She's squeezing my hand" I said.

A smile grew across my face and I kept looking at her hand and up at her face to see if there was any more signs.

"She's letting you know she can hear you" she smirked.

I reached forward and kissed her cheek. "I love you" I whispered into her ear. I kissed her cheek and as I went to sit back down the machines started going crazy!

"What the..." I felt my stomach drop.

"Nurse!? I need help!?" Michelle had already left the room and was calling for help.

Vanessa started to shake, like she was having some kind of seizure. I could feel myself panicking.

A whole bunch of nurses and doctors ran in and surrounded her bed, pushing me out of the way. "Everybody out!"

I didn't want to leave her but Michelle pulled me out of the room. I could feel my chest getting tight again.

"What if I've done this?" I said as I paced around the hall, pulling at my hair.

"Tommy! Whoa! Hey!" She stopped me and grabbed my shoulders. "It's alright, you didn't do anything. She's gonna be fine" she said sternly.

I started to cry and she put her arms around me. I couldn't take it anymore, I was at breaking point.

"What's happened!?"

I looked up and Sharise was running towards us with Athena, Vince and Nikki.

I was crying so heavily I couldn't catch my breath to speak.

"We don't know. She squeezed Tommy's hand and then she started having some kind of seizure" she sighed.

Nikki grabbed my arm and sat me down on a chair. He bent down in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Dude she's gonna be fine" he put his arms around me and gave me a hug like he actually meant it. We'd bro hugged while we were drunk, but we were both sober for once.

Athena came over and sat down next to me. She put her head on my shoulder and her arms around me and Nikki. It was nice having that comfort, but I needed to know what was going on. I stood up,  brushing them away and walked over to the window where everyone else was stood.

Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now