I tried to move around again, this time wiggling my whole body. It looked like my feet weren't tied. That's good.CLANK! My feet hit something. I looked down. Next to my feet was a Stanley blade. I turned my head to look at my hands. I couldn't properly see everything, but it looked like my hands were tied with rope. 'Maybe if I cut the rope with the Stanley blade....but how am I supposed to get the blade' I thought.

After about five minutes of trying to get the blade with my "fancy footwork", I got it on top of my foot.' Okay now I just need to flip it so it gets onto my lap.' I theorised. Unfortunately, unlike all the other kids that I know, I can't do that flippy thing with my feet. I mean you know when people play football, (you can call it soccer if you are someone who doesn't call it football. ), and they do the kick thing. Anyways, I started at my foot for a few seconds, remembering that I've been possibly kidnapped and I need to get out of here, I attempted at flipping the blade.

"Y-YE.....oh crap." I kicked the blade away from me.

'Wow, ok so I have the best luck in the world.' I complained to myself. Ok ,so now that didn't work. 'What else could I do, maybe...' I looked back at my hands. I then tried to find a knot in the rope. "Ah- HAH" I grabbed the knot. 'Finally, something I'm good at' I untied the knot in the rope and freed myself from the scratchy imprisonment. I rubbed my wrists and looked around."A-ah pins and needles." I cried. I then walked towards the Stanley blade from earlier, bent down and grabbed it. I pulled myself up and stared at the contraption in my hand...



Hang on a second- '1. If I have been stuck here for around ten to fifteen minutes..shouldn't the kidnappers have come back by now? Number two..WHY AM I GOING SO SLOW THIS AIN'T A HORROR MOVIE, GENEVIEVE GET THE FRICK OUTTA HERE!!!...ok ok calm down Gen.Now look around you...what do you see.'
I took a deep breath and looked around. What I saw:
A light bulb
A desk
A piece of paper
An envelope
A vase
A door. I turned around and was about to count the chair when..WAIT A DOOR-.

She spun back around. She still had her Stanley blade so she pushed the blade up. She held it in a 'fencing style style' and headed for the door. She then remembered the desk and letter.
'I might need this later' She turned back to the door when...SLAM!
"Great job honey, you made the team. You could use a little bit more training though."


"W-what are you talking about, who are you, what did you do to grandad!" Genevieve demanded. Anon ( the mysterious lady from before) stood in the doorway, a proud smile on her face.
"Hey, calm down..your grandfather is right here." Anon said. She stepped aside, letting Jonathan Cortez enter the room.
"Hey Gen. we got some explaining to do Huh?" He chuckled. An ever growing expression of confusion, once again spreading onto Genevieve's face.

All three of them walked into a another room next to the one Genevieve almost escaped. The next room was a bit more cosier, it had a nice look to it. There was a couch, bookshelf and trophy case to the left. To the right there was a wall covered in photos and frames. I'm the middle of the room we're three chairs, a small square table in the middle. Two chairs were on one side, on the opposite was t her last chair.

"Well have a seat," John pointed to the chairs in the middle of the table. They all sat down, Johnathan and Anon on one side, and Genevieve on the other.
"Well, like your grandfather said, we have a bit of explaining to do." Anon said. "But first, let me introduce myself. Hello, I'm Hannah Cortez, your grandmother." Everything was quiet. Genevieve was still, a look of shock stuck on her face.
"W-wow...you don't look like me grandmother though..." that was the first thing that came out of Genevieve's mouth. (I know, not very smart)

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