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The water was freezing when I hit it, filling my lungs, my entire body. Ribs searing with pain, probably broken, I kicked desperately for the surface. 

Problem was, I didn't know which way the surface was. Everything around me was black, the only thing in my vision the pale shape of my own arm and legs. 

Another problem. My dress was rapidly filling with water, and despite being a relatively strong swimmer, it was slowly but surely pulling me down.

Lungs begging for air, I flailed around for a moment before thankfully, my head broke the surface. Someone was yelling about a man overboard on the ship, but after one beautiful gasp of air, I was pulled under again. 

Panic started to set in as I choked on the salt water, stinging my throat and eyes. I gasped again, barely breaking the surface before I was under again.

My limbs felt strangely wooden, aching with exhaustion as I tried in vain to stay above the water. But it was so cold, and I was getting so tired. Unable to reach the surface again, I watched the dark shape of the ship get farther and farther away as black spots began to cloud my vision. 

Chest burning, whether from lack of air or cracked ribs, I wasn't sure. My last thought was of Amelie as water filled my lungs. 

A sharp stabbing pain brought me back to my senses momentarily. Someone was here! Arms wrapped around my injured ribs, beginning the long swim upwards. The movement was slow until inexplicably, I felt lighter. My legs kicked around, fighting the unconsciousness that threatened to overwhelm me. 

I was vaguely aware of being lifted, something hard against my back and then the sensation of air in my lungs, in and out. It actually felt like someone was kissing me, which was absurd. My train of thought kept getting interrupted by a thick black blanket trying to overtake my mind. 

"Careful, give her room."

"Florence?! Florence!"

"Shut her up."

"That was pretty heroic, Cap. Even for you."

"Shut up Bonnie, you know as well as I do that we need her alive."

The pressure on my lungs was increasing, and suddenly, all at once, the water was being forced from my body. I sat up abruptly, vomiting out the water and most of my supper at the same time. Gasping heavily, I turned to see a soaking wet Captain Sparrow staring at me.

Amelie's tearstained face was behind him.

"Flo, are you okay?"

I nodded numbly, unable to process words for a minute. I thought I was dead. 

"Okay everyone, the show's over. I'll take her down."

Brain still waterlogged and confused, I knew someone was lifting me, but now I was just so exhausted that I couldn't quite process who it was. 

Then I was laying on something soft and someone was covering me up and I let the blackness overtake me.


I awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar bed, wearing clothes I didn't recognize. It only took five more seconds for everything to come flooding back. 

The pirates, Amelie, the water

The cold hand of fear gripped my heart as I remembered the feeling of pure panic, the knowledge that I was dying. 

I glanced down at my clothes, a plain, loose shirt and too-big pants that certainly weren't mine. I knew I was in Maverick's bed, but he was, mercifully, not here. 

My ribs seared with pain every move I made. They were definitely cracked or broken. 

Someone knocked on the door. The older woman from last night entered, carrying a cup of water. 

"Morning dear."

"Uh... hi?" my voice sounded broken and scratchy.

"Don't try to talk too much, hon. You swallowed a lot of water. Near drowning takes a lot out of someone."

Before I could even respond, the cup was put down next to me and the woman was gone. 

Baffled, I took small sips of the water. Even swallowing hurt. The door opened again, revealing a wind tousled looking Maverick. 

"Oh good, you're awake. Feeling alright?" He didn't meet my eyes when he asked, looking almost awkward. 

"You..." my voice cracked off. I tried again. "You saved me."

It wasn't a question.

He looked at me with a strange expression that he quickly replaced with a smirk.

"Of course I did, Miss Harlow. Can't be a very good trade asset if you're dead, now can you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"You truly are disgusting."

He took a few strides towards me, hands planted on each side of where I was seated. Eyes staring intently into mine, his jaw clenched. 

"I saved your life. Don't forget that."

We stayed like that, frozen by an indescribable force. I could've gotten lost in those ridiculously deep eyes if the hatred in my stomach hadn't reminded me who he was. I shoved his chest away from me.

"Get away from me. Whose clothes are these?"

"My old ones."

I blanched. 

He took one glance at my face and barked out a laugh. 

"Oh relax, Miss Harlow. Bonnie changed your clothes. Your dress was pretty wrecked after our little field trip last night."

I glanced at my shredded dress on the floor. Before I could ask what happened to it, he was gone. 

"God, does everyone just disappear all the time around here?"

I got up and walked out the door, feet padding quietly on the deck. Every step caused a fire of pain to shoot through me, but I was determined to find Amelie, even if it killed me. I climbed over some boxes to where I saw the rest of the crew, both the Mermaid's Revenge and the Alexandria's, sleeping in hammocks or in the case of the Alexandria, bound on the floor. 

"Hi," someone said quietly behind me.

I turned to face Bonnie. 

"Oh! Hi."

"Are you feeling better? Sorry, the clothes don't fit."

I shook my head. 

"Don't worry about it. Um... You're Bonnie, right? I'm Florence. I don't believe we've been formally introduced."

She smiled at my outstretched hand before shaking it.

"It's nice to meet you Florence. Your sister has been asking about you, but they didn't let her see you. I can take you to her if you want?"

"Yes please, thank you."

The CaptainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang