10 - millie evans

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"Morning, beautiful." Chris's voice was deep and raspy.

You smiled at him, "Good morning."

He kissed your forehead and smiled down at you. "What do you want for breakfast?"

As you started thinking of what to eat, the nauseous feeling creeped up again. 

"Oh no." You muttered.

You rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Just like the past three days, you emptied whatever you had in your stomach. Every time you threw up, Chris held your hair and rubbed circles on your back. He was starting to get very worried because it didn't happen once. You've been sick for a few days and he always wanted you to be healthy. The thing is, even though you threw up a lot, you didn't have any other symptoms. No runny nose, no coughing, no sneezing, nothing. That's what worried him the most. What if you had some weird sickness? He shook his head every time he thought about it. You were healthy. Period. He had to stop thinking otherwise.

After brushing your teeth, Chris enveloped you in a hug.

"Babe, I think we should go to the doctor." He muttered.

You shook your head and pulled back, "I'm fine. It'll go away soon."

You started walking outside of the bathroom and into your bedroom again. Chris followed you.

"Y/n, you've been saying that for days. I'm worried about you, munchkin." He grabbed your arm and stopped you before you laid in bed.

"I'll be fine, babe." You whined and kissed his cheek.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't taking no for an answer. C'mon. We're going to the doctah." His Bostonian accent slipped out.

You giggled, "The doctah, huh?"

You loved when Chris spoke in his accent. Sometimes, it came out without him noticing and it was the cutest thing.

Chris looked at you and smiled, "Get dressed, crazy pants."

"Crazy, huh?" You raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked, "You love it beneath my pants, Christopher Millie Evans."

Chris laughed, without missing his remarkable boob grab.

"Millie? I think I might have to show you my birth certificate." He chuckled.

You threw yourself in the bed, "Millie, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the doctor."

Since you were a kid, you hated going to the doctor's office or to a hospital. It made you sad to see so many people suffering. You wanted to avoid going there at all costs. The only times you went to a hospital was for charity. You loved making the people there smile.

Chris stood in front of you. You lifted half of your body, just to see him.

He raised his brow and offered, "If we go to the doctor's office, I'll eat you out when we come back."

You raised your brows, "You're gonna be doing it anyways but fineee."

Twenty minutes later, you were on your way to the doctor's office.

Once you got there, the doctor performed his normal check up routine on you and took a sample of your blood. There was a laboratory down the hall and just to be extra sure, he decided a blood sample would help.

Chris was nervous as you waited for the results of the blood test.

"Babe, I'm fine. I probably ate something that intoxicated me." You tried to ease his nerves but you were also trying to ease your own.

Chris nodded and you pecked his lips. He smiled against your lips and said, "I love you."

You giggled, "I love you, too."

"Ms. L/n?" The doctor interrupted your cute moment.

You and Chris stood up. "I have important news for the both of you."

You both nodded and Chris wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Congratulations! You're pregnant."


Back at home,  you and Chris jumped and screamed of joy. You were getting married and you were having a baby!

"Wait," Chris stopped, his hands started to get sweaty, "What if..."

You raised one brow, "What if what?"

"Ian..." He said, almost in a whisper.

What if the baby was Ian's? All Chris wanted was this happy life with you but doubts filled him. What if he didn't deserve this life with you?

Your eyes widened. "Babe, no. It's impossible."

You walked towards him and placed your hands on his cheeks.

"It happened almost a month ago. I would've gotten the symptoms earlier." You answered reassuringly.

Chris visibly relaxed and smiled. "You're right. I'm sorry, it's just- This seems too good to be true."

"I know. But you better believe it. Because this is our life now." You smiled.

You were right. Chris told himself that he had to stop doubting. You really love him and this is his family. He deserves happiness and that's what he's getting.

Chris leaned in and kissed you deeply. His hands roamed around your body and you can guess what happened next...

Last chapter comes tomorrow aaaaa

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