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Bright white.

I feel my hand touch a strong metallic surface as I sense, through my closed eyes, bright white light radiating from my surrounding. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain spread through my back, probably due to the uncomfortable position I lay in.

I shift to my other side, as I continue to keep my eyes closed, attempting to go back to sleep. A gorilla, a packet of Cheetos, a gymnasium, A fire engine. I desperately try to recall the forgotten dream I had been lost in. With no luck, I decide to dwell into the blissful memories of my past, severely denying my body the privilege of waking up.

'Truth or dare, Holly?' Tristan asks the group of fifteen seated together in a circle.

It was the last day of the high school overseas trip to London, where we had had the time of our lives. It was currently past curfew and we decided to sneak into the oversized janitors closet, which honestly wasn't even a closet, to play a game of truth and dare.

'Oh shut up Tristan, it's my turn!' Conner slaps his back hard enough to earn a 'yelp' from Tristan causing the stench of his onion-breath to fill the room. What does that guy even eat for dinner?

'Truth or dare, Cindy?' Conner gives Cindy a challenging look. Cindy was the dare-devil of our school, never known to back out of any dare.

Once she even climbed the window to the principals office to tell him that an owl had brought in an important letter.

'Dare, of course,' Cindy replies with a smirk lining her lips.

'I dare you, Cindy Brooks, to be my girlfriend,' Conner grins up at her as he produces a basket filled with every chocolate to exist in the world, out of thin air.

What kind of sorcery is that? I decide to question him about it only to realize that the guy next to him had been straddling the basket the entire time.

'Dump her and marry me,' someone shouts from the end of the room, earning a couple of chuckles from the group

'When have I ever backed out of a dare?' Cindy replies with a tentative grin of her own.

The jerk who stole my best friend's sock...or notOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora