Chapter One | TrioXBerlin

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The dreary weather matched the car's atmosphere as Antonio, Francis, and I headed for Berlin by car, too emotionally exhausted to run there.

Our usually energetic spirits had all but drained when we discovered our fourth coven member was actually an assassin and had chosen to leave with her captors for reasons we can only theorize.

She cared a lot about her family and the three of us; I can only imagine we were used as a threat against her.

For so long, she'd been running from the truth of what she did and no longer wanted to do, but she never told us everything, and we were left to assume it was some silly human fear, something we vampires were above. But that wasn't the case.

Vampires were heavily involved with the experimentation she'd undergone and with the resulting manipulation of her newfound strength and near invulnerability.

We played off all the crazy things she could do as humans being unpredictable, but it was all because of venom. She'd been dosing herself with syringes full of altered vampiric venom that an unknown group of people gave her under the guise of a healing serum.

Only two people aside from the queen herself can alter venom. One of them is my sort of brother, Ludwig, and the other is the bastard who turned me into a monster, Vladimir.

My brother Ludwig couldn't be involved in the experiments; it wasn't in his nature to go against the law; he was a little too strict about following it. Besides, if he had any secrets, he would've spilled his guts about it as soon as he got drunk.

Vladimir is far more likely as he is someone who'd love to see the human world burn and doesn't care if vampires are affected in the process. He loves pushing limits, and he loves finding the most broken people and turning them into vampires to see what they'll do to change the world, even if it has drastic consequences. The most deranged of his creations had unwittingly been me, possessed by venom as my hatred for my enemies and my lust for life and the woman I'd loved blinded me and made me into a monster as my body moved on its own. At the same time, I remained unconscious, unaware of the atrocities my new body was unleashing on the world. In fact, this attracted so much attention that the queen herself had to intervene.

Vladimir was spared from death for two reasons. One of them was his power to see the future, which greatly helped the queen. The second was the queen found his exploits to be amusing, as were the vampires he made.

Instead of death, he was prohibited from staying in one place for too long so as not to manipulate the lives of humans who may make good vampires and to avoid arousing suspicion or making connections with other covens.

This clearly wasn't enough because somehow, he'd met my sort-of-girlfriend and made her into a sort-of-monster.

The first sign she wasn't human was her aura. A Venus flytrap—an aura that makes others believe they are innocent when the truth is the opposite. They are very dangerous people.

The second was how she seamlessly killed Dedrick, an intended of a lupus vampire, someone who shouldn't have died so easily.

The third was her unusual ability to retain knowledge; she could easily understand and remember the languages she heard after only learning a few words.

Fourth was the most obvious. She healed very quickly and from things she shouldn't have been able to. First, it was when she was stabbed in Croatia, and not even a week later, it was as if it had never happened; she wasn't even sore. The most obvious time was when she ingested uncoated venom. Our saliva is laced with venom, but we unconsciously coat this venom in a protective layer of non-venomous saliva to prevent humans that we play with from being killed. Venom can enter the bloodstream uncoated but not into the internal body like the throat and the stomach. It burns like acid, and heaven knows why ___ somehow didn't feel that when she scarfed down a pizza, I licked for the express purpose of her not eating it. Instead, she stumbled down the stairs and fountained blood; I'd never been so horrified in my life.

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