Chapter 4

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(A/N) Another written fight scene. Again, please don't come after me if it doesn't meet your expectations.

New Characters as well!

Three more days of wandering, killing, eating, and hiding. Just how big is this damn forest? Taro was annoyed, and he was starving. Though, he felt like he was getting stronger. How many demons has he eaten? Eating all the weaker ones combined must have given me a good supply of the man's blood.

He was getting excited, but it still didn't cover up the fact that he was starving. He walked in one direction, hoping that he would reach the end of this place. He walked for hours until the sun forced him to hide in the shadows.

The canopies were also getting thinner the more he advanced. What a pain. He sat there and waited, looking up at the sky. Well, at least the parts he could see. Today seemed cloudy, and the air had a small chill.

He sat there bored and watched the sky get brighter than darker. Finally, he stood up and stretched from his cramp position. His hunger was intense as ever. He started walking in the direction, then a smell hit his nose. Human.

With instinct, he ran towards the smell, forgetting that he wanted to get out of this forest. He was too hungry at this point. He swerved around a corner and found his prey, and his prey was armed with a sword. Demon slayer, how pesky. 

She had the classic uniform and a katakana. He couldn't see the color of the sword, but that didn't matter. "So you must be the demon ruling this forest." The girl said. "My name is Rei Kaichi, and I'm here to slay you."

(A/N) Rei Kaichi the demon slayer is just someone I made up on-the-fly cause I didn't want to add in any of the known characters yet, her rank is Mizunoto, which means she is in the weakest rank. Her breathing? Flame, cause Rangoku is my favorite hashira. You can imagine her looks however you want.

"Before I kill you, would you mind pointing to me the way out of this place?"

"Go to hell demon."

"You're rude."

"Flame breathing, third form: Blazing Universe!" Taro watched the girl pull her sword over her head and slashed downwards, he easily evaded the attack. She repeated the attack, accidentally cutting down a tree and missing her opponent. This went on for many more minutes, the girl becoming more and more agitated. 

"You're weak." He teased, only making the girl mad and attacking recklessly. He didn't even think she was using her breathing. "You're quite rusty."

"Shuddup! Flame Breathing, second form: Rising Scorching Sun!" She pulled her sword up, cutting part of his arm up. What a nuisance. He watched impatiently as his arm slowly regenerated. "The only way to get out of here, it to go back to hell!" The girl slashed down and he quickly dodged. He just wanted his arm to regenerate a bit faster. When it fully regenerated, he used one of his own tricks.

Just as the girl did another slash downwards, "Blood Demon Art: Dirt Spike.'' Instead of making a spike though, he simply made a tall mound of hard rock and she got her sword stuck in it. She was trying to pull out the sword when he went for her stomach with a dirt spike.

She quickly let go of her sword and did a backflip to dodge his attack. He took the moment to drag her sword underground, which she quickly lept after. Right before the handle was all the way underground, the girl quickly grabbed it.

"Guess I'll bury you too!"

"Grass Breathing, first form: Razor Sharp." just before Taro made the motion, a sword slashed both his hands off. He looked over to see the new being. It was an older boy with short hair and a green sword. Who the hell is he? "Rei you dumbass, I said to wait for me!"

(A/N) Meet another new character, one I couldn't come up with a name for them, slightly higher ranking than Rei (Mizunoe) with the breathing style grass (I made this one up on the fly 0-0 )

"You took too long, now let's just slay this monster!" Both of them came after him.

"Tch, pesky demon slayers."

"Blood Demon Art, Dirt Spikes!"

"Grass Breathing, Third Form, Dancing in Sunshine!"

"Flame Breathing, First form, Unknowing Fire!"

Each person attacked, it was all up to fate and speed now to see who won the fight. 


"Demon slayers really are annoying." Taro was sitting against one of the spikes he made. He felt blood being thrown up onto his hair. He looked up to see the girl coughing up blood.

"Damn you demon." she said before coughing up more blood. He looked over to the boy who was in the same situation. A huge spike through both their stomachs and their swords on the ground. "Go.... to hell... Demon." he caught the boy mumbling before they both went silent and limp.

"Two demon slayers, a mizunoto and mizunoe, both killed, two demon slayers, a mizunoto and mizunoe, both killed!" A Kasugai crow announced. The bird left and Taro was happy, he had two meals ready-made to eat.

He licked his lips and started feasting. After he was done and the bodies were disposed of, he retracted all the spikes he made and picked up two swords, the ones the demon slayers left. He looked at the one he didn't get to see its color; it was orange.

"I can use these to test my new move." He laid the orange one down, moved backward a few feet, and then touched the ground lightly with his palm. He looked over to see the dirt soften and consume the sword. Part one done: Quicksand. Now to test the second part. He walked a few feet away and placed his hand on the ground again and sensed for the sword in the ground.

When he could feel it, he slid his hand towards him and felt the presence of the sword come close; he lifted his hand, and the ground spit out the sword, It worked. Part two down: Buried Treasure.

The demon sat there satisfied; he got to add two more moves to his move set. He placed both swords on the ground and used the move Quicksand. I'll save these swords for later. He looked up at the sky to see the sun rising. Guess I'm stuck here for a while. 

He found a nice rock in the shadows and sat there, hunger is gone, two more moves in his palette, and two dead demon slayers. What a successful night. He thought before patiently waiting for the sun to set and the moon to rise.

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