Chapter 3

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I tried to write a fight scene, please don't kill me if it isn't up to your expectations :')

Taro wandered into a forest.

Trying to find a demon.

The only thing leading him was his nose, but there was a scent of one everywhere, it lingered everywhere in this forest. He was deep in the forest, and yet, the scent didn't get stronger, nor did it get weaker.

"Blood demon art" he whispered "Ground Scope" He punched the ground and ripples in the ground formed within a mile radius. He kept his hand in the center and felt for footsteps, the ground extending his senses.


Taro stood up and rushed to where he felt movement. He jumped over bushes and swerved around trees until he found what he was looking for. 

Found you.

In front of him stood a demon about the same size, he looked weak. The demon looked like he was panicking. In front of him was a little girl who was half-eaten. "G-get out of here! This is my territory and my prey." With slight hesitation, the demon lunged at him, claws ready to attack.

Taro easily dodged and kicked the demon. "I'm not here for your territory, I'm here for you, I guess I could eat that girl as an extra treat." The demon's eyes widened.

"What do you mean you are here for me? Have you come to grovel and bow down to Yamaki, the king of this forest?" Taro didn't answer, he just used another demon art.

"Demon Blood Art: Rock Claws!" Taro raised his right hand and pulled towards him. A huge rock with a platform with claw-like walls burst through the ground right under Yamaki. He then closed his fists quickly as the rock platform closed in on Yamaki. But it wasn't enough to kill him, Taro couldn't even hear him gasping for hair.

"Is that the best you got?!" Rocks and mud-splattered everywhere as his enemy destroyed the pillar of dirt.

"You just got lucky, idiot, it was undeveloped." He quickly tried again, trapping Yamaki, but this time, the demon avoided the attack. How annoying. 

Being impatient, Taro simply used his own claws and strength to attack. Speed was still on his side as he slashed the demon's eyes. The demon fell back and was trying to stay balanced.

Taro could see his eyes slowly healing, but he didn't care. He took the moment to kick the demon in the stomach and tear off one of his arms. "Ow, that actually hurt." the hurt demon said as his arm was slowly regenerating. Taro tore off a finger and ate it. "What the hell?! Are you seriously eating my arm, you repugnant being? How dare you-" He quickly punched the demon in the face.

"Shut up." He devoured the rest of the arm. "Tch. You have very little of the man's blood" He walked over to his opponent who was up against his tree, still waiting for the rest of his arm to grow back.

 "Blood Demon Art: Dirt Spike" (I am very uncreative with these names.) Taro makes a quick punch motion, and a spike grew out of the ground at an angle where it pierced and trapped the demon against the tree.

He ripped off the demon's other arm and ate. "Damn you," the demon groaned in pain. "are you seriously going to keep eating me?" Taro scratched the demon's face again, with more force, shutting him up.

"You're no good. Guess I leave you here until demon slayer comes, or maybe..." He used his spike move, but on a much bigger scale to poke a hole through the canopy before it retracted back into the ground. "the sun can just burn you to ash." He grabbed the half-eaten girl and walked off. He could hear Yamaki screaming and complaining, but he didn't give a damn.

~ Time Skip~

The forest was a lot bigger than he initially thought. It was noon, yet not a bit of sunlight made it through, it was perfect, he wasn't stuck in the corner of a small human house.

He has killed three more weaker demons, eating their flesh, and made sure to consume as much blood as possible, but none of them had even the slightest amount of the man's blood to help him grow.

The scent of demons was slowly fading and there were no humans around. So Taro was bored again. What to do, what to do. He was sitting on a rock, in the darkest area of the forest, annoyed by the constant buzzing of bees and chirps of birds. 

The demon stood up and thought he mind as well practice his blood demon art, he currently only had three moves, one of which was still under development.

For the next hour, Taro made spikes of all sizes and at different angles on every side of him. Too easy.

Ground scoping he had already perfected, so it was time to practice Claws of Dirt.

He tried many times, he felt this one was going to be his 100th time. He did the motion, palm to the sky with open fingers and make a swift movement up before squeezing an imaginary opponent, but the image that came out was still rough, it still didn't resemble a hand. The fingers were thin and broke easily and the arm was still just a pillar. 

He kicked in frustration, accidentally creating a huge dirt spike that made a hole in the canopy. Ah, damn it. The spike retracted and sunlight instantly radiated through, Taro dove into the shadows, avoiding the ray of death. Tch, what a pain. 

He hated that he had to avoid the sunlight like it was some plague, Taro has never felt warmth before and now will never be able to. He stood behind a tree in the dark, he didn't care, if no sunlight meant him getting stronger, he wouldn't care.

Days passed and nothing too exciting happened, during the night, he would find, kill, and feast on worthless demons, still none of them had too much of the man's blood, and during the day would practice his blood demon art.

After defeating one last demon and devouring it, he started to crave human flesh again. These demons weren't sufficient, they weren't helping him in any way. That night he wandered to find a way out of this forest. 

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