13 - the kiss

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THEO has stopped coming to all the DA meetings and so has Penelope Clearwater. Part of me feels bad that now he's not learning to defend himself, but the more rational part of me knows he should of thought of that before he did what he did. Besides, it's not like I told him to stop coming to the meetings, he decided that all on his own. Although, I don't blame him. I'm sure both Ron and Harry would have spent the entirety of the meeting giving him hell for what he did.

I've spent the past month getting over my break-up with Theo, which proved to be a lot easier than I had expected. Probably because most of my feelings for him dissipated as soon as I saw him in bed with another girl. But for the most part it's because Ron and I have been spending tons of time together, even more than usual, and he always does his best to make me happy and keep me distracted from the whole Theo mess. 

Now it's our last DA meeting before Christmas break so we just spend the time reviewing all the things we've done so far this year, with the promise from Harry that we'll work on the Patronus Charm when we get back. 

"I'll catch up to you guys later." Harry says to us, glancing over his shoulder at Cho who's the only one left lingering in the Room of Requirement. We all nod in understanding and head back to the Gryffindor Common Room.


"WELL? How was it?" Ron asks once Harry tells us that he kissed Cho. 

Ron and I are seated on the couch while Harry is sitting in front of the fire, and Hermione sits on the floor, her back against the couch. 

"Wet." Harry answers. "I mean, she was sort of crying."

Ron laughs. "That bad at it, are you?"

I elbow him forcefully in the ribs, shooting him a glare. "I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory." 

Ron looks at me confused. "And how would you know?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Maybe I'm imagining things but it also looks like a glimmer of jealousy flares in his eyes.

"Just a guess." I shrug because I have no idea what Harry kisses like but I'm sure it's fine. It's not like there's anything he's really bad it.

"Cho spends half her time crying these days." Hermione interrupts before Ron can say anything else.

"You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Ron jokes and I roll my eyes.

Hermione rolls her eyes as well. "Don't you understand how she must be feeling? Well, obviously she's feeling sad about Cedric, and therefore confused about liking Harry, guilty about kissing him, conflicted because Umbridge is pressing to sack her mum from the Ministry, and frightened about failing her classes because she's so worried about everything else."

Ron shakes his head. "One person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode!"

"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon." I tell him.

The four of us are silent for a bit and then Ron bursts out laughing, the rest of us following suit. Once we all catch our breath, Harry and Hermione stand up. "It's getting late and we have to pack tomorrow so I'll be heading to bed." Hermione says.

"Me too." Harry says and then they go their separate ways to each of their dorms, leaving Ron and I alone.

The logs in the fireplace crackle and it feels as if the air between us is suddenly charged. This past month, spending all my time with Ron, I've felt like all my feelings for him have reignited, burning stronger than ever. Or maybe they never went away in the first place. 

"How's Lavendar?" I blurt out, suddenly extremely nervous.

He gives me a weird look. "Lavendar?"

"Um...yeah." I nod.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"I don't know...I thought maybe there was something going on between the two of you. She seems to be hanging around you a lot lately."

"Uh...no." Ron says, running his hand through his hair. "There's nothing going on there. I like someone else." He confesses, the tips of his ears turning pink.

My stomach does a somersault. "Oh?"

"Yeah." He nods. "And lately I've been getting the feeling that maybe she feels the same way."

His hand is suddenly crawling across the couch and entwining with mine. I blush and smile shyly, looking down at our connected hands. His finger reaches out and tilts my chin up so I'm looking him in the eyes. "I like you, y/n." Ron says, his voice deeper than normal as he brings his face closer to mine. "I like you too." I whisper and then his lips are on mine.

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