1 - ron the knight

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Let the magic begin



"WAIT a minute!" Harry cries out, putting his hands up as if trying to stop Ron. But he can't move. 

"You see it, don't you, Harry? Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King." Ron says, but I'm not following what he's saying. 

"What is it?" Hermione asks, voicing my confusion as well as her own. 

"He's going to sacrifice himself." Harry tells us. 

A breath lodges in my throat. "No, you can't! There must be another way!" I cry out, feeling tears prick the backs of my eyes. 

This is Wizards Chess. And just like the many games we've played together in the Gryffindor common room, when a piece takes another, that piece is completely demolished. But unlike Wizards Chess pieces, Ron won't be able to reassemble himself after the damage is done. He's my best friend and I won't lose him. 

"Do you want to stop Snape from getting the stone or not?" Ron demands. I'm stunned at the force behind his voice. I've never heard him speak so determinedly before.

"He's right, y/n." Hermione whispers to me, but I ignore her. 

Of course I want to stop Snape from getting the stone, but that doesn't mean I want Ron to die. He can't die. 

"Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione, not y/n, you."

Harry takes a deep breath and nods. Hermione does the same. It seems that both of them have come to terms with what needs to happen. Everyone has except me, because I can't fathom a world without him in it. 

Ron takes a deep breath himself, "Knight to H3." He commands.

I hold my breath, watching with fear as the stone horse Ron is riding slowly advances forward to the next square. "Check." He says, seemingly trying to muster as much courage as he can. I can see the fear flickering in his eyes, but he tries his best to mask it. That's the thing about a crush though. Even when they think they're hiding their emotions well, you can see right through the mask. 

The realization of what I just said in my mind hits me. Crush. I just referred to Ron Weasley as his crush. I've come to the realisation and acceptance of that fact after all year. But now it's too late as I watch the Queen turn, pulling out her sword and plunging it into the stone horse. The stone cracks, throwing Ron violently to the ground. 

"Ron!" I yell, tears now fully streaming down my face. I start to lift my leg, wanting to run over to him but Hermione stops me. 

"Don't move, y/n. We're still playing." She reminds me. 

I feel like I'm watching Harry's next move through clouded eyes, or maybe that's just the tears messing with my vision. He faces the King, announcing checkmate. The King's sword falls. The game is over and I don't need a second thought before I'm running towards Ron. 

Kneeling down next to his body amongst the rubble, I hear his slow but steady breaths. "He's alive." I announce, my sad tears turning to those of happiness. Thank, Merlin

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