4 - yule ball

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Dark and difficult times lie ahead



I need to stop carrying a torch for Ron Weasley because the possibility of him actually returning those feelings are fairly slim if not at absolutely zero. 

"Hello, you are y/n y/l/n, yes?" I hear a guy's voice say in a thick accent, prompting me to look up from my textbook. 

I'm greeted by the sight of a very attractive guy with blond hair, clear blue eyes and a considerably defined jawline. He looks to be a few years old than me, most likely seventeen and a sixth year at Beauxbatons. 

"Yes, that's me." I smile. 

"I'm Théodore Laurent, but you can call me Theo if you like. I couldn't help but admire your beauty from afar and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to the Yule Ball." He says, giving me a dazzling smile. 

My heart flutters in my chest at the compliment. "I would love to." I accept. 


THEO and I spend the next little while just chatting in the library about everything from books to the muggle world. I'm still thinking about him and our conversation a few days later as I sit in study hall with Ron, Harry and Hermione. 

Hermione is just as excited as I am for the Yule Ball, seeing as she's attending with none other than Victor Krum. I couldn't be happier for her. 

"This is mad! At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates! Well, us and Neville." Ron says to Harry, although I'm only vaguely listening, lost in my thoughts about Theo. 

Harry laughs. "Yeah, but then again he could take himself."

Hermione huffs beside me. "It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone."

"What? Now I'm really depressed." Ron sighs and then after a moment of silence, "Oi y/n." I perk up at the sound of my name leaving his mouth. "You're a girl." Ron states. Harry elbows him forcefully in the stomach while I roll my eyes. 

"Very well spotted Ron." Hermione says haughtily. 

Ron ignores her, looking at me instead. "Y/N, you can come with me and Hermione can go with Harry. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl it's just sad."

His statement completely irks me. Everyone else is taken, leaving me as his last resort. Little does he know I'm taken too. I push back from the table angrily. "I won't be going alone, because believe it or not, someone's asked me! And I said yes!" I yell. "And Hermione already has a date too!" I add, before tugging Hermione along with me. 

Just before we leave the Great Hall, I hear Ron talk to Harry once again. "Blood hell. She's lying, right? You don't suppose they're going together, do you?"

I huff once again and continue marching out of the room, followed closely by Hermione. 


Ron's POV

"IS that Hermione Granger with Victor Krum and y/n y/l/n with Théodore Laurent?" Padma Patil asks from beside me. I don't pay any mind to what she said about Hermione and Krum, instead my focus is on y/n and Laurent. 

She looks stunning in a floor length f/c dress, her hair done in an updo, makeup perfect and a wide smile across her face as she descends the staircase. Her arm is hooked through Laurent's, and I can't help but wish it was me descending the staircase with her on my arm. An unfamiliar feeling bubbles up inside me, like my gut is being twisted and my heart is lodged in my throat. 

"No. Absolutely not." I shake my head, trying my best to deny that this is actually happening. Of course she wouldn't lie about having a date. Of course she would already have a date. I mean, she's y/n, how could she not? She's beautiful, intelligent, brave, patient, loyal,  and resourceful. And it's taken me seeing her with someone else to realise that I'm in love with her. 


I spend the entirety of the evening sitting on the sidelines of the dance floor, watching y/n longingly as she dances with Laurent. Everytime she smiles at him, my heart twists again. Finally, she breaks apart from him and makes her way over to us. 

"Theo's gone to get drinks. Would you care to join us?" She asks, taking a seat beside me. 

I turn to her, narrowing my eyes. "No, we would not care to join you and Theo."

"What's got your wand in a knot?"

"He's from Beauxbatons! You're fraternizing with the enemy!" I accuse. 

"The enemy? The whole point of this tournament is international magical cooperation. To make friends!"

I scoff, slumping back in my seat. "I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she shrieks. 

"He's obviously using you. I mean you're a young girl and he's a guy. You do the math." I tell her, shooting her a glare. I'm not sure why I'm feeling so venomous towards her, it's not her fault that a guy likes her. But I'm mad. Mad that I was so stupid not to realise my feelings for her sooner. Mad that she's with some other guy now. 

"How dare you!" she yells, getting up from her chair. "Besides, I can take care of myself." She huffs before storming off. 

I'm not sure why but I follow her to the Entrance Hall. "Doubt it. He's way too old." I say. This could've been my opportunity to apologize for being so emotionless, but I ruin it. Digging myself a deeper hole. 

She whirls around to face me. "What? That's what you think?"

"Yeah, that's what I think."

"You know the solution, then, don't you?"

"Go on." I urge. 

"Next time there's a ball pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does! And not as a last resort!" She yells, tears now streaming down her face. 

Every part of me wants to reach out and wipe the tears from her cheek, but instead I get on the defensive.

"Well, that's completely off the point." I mumble.

She catches sight of Harry and focuses her anger on both of us now. "Off to bed both of you!"

I no longer want to argue with her, so I don't protest as I start to head up the great staircase, followed closely by Harry who's utterly confused by what's going on. 

"They get scary when they're older." I mutter to Harry, but y/n hears. 

"Ron! You spoiled everything!" She cries before sitting down on the stairs, her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking. I could go and comfort her, but I don't. Instead, I keep walking up the stairs.



"HEY, are you alright?" I hear Theo ask as he takes a seat beside me on the stairs. I take my head out of my hands and turn to look at him. I'm sure I look like a mess, my makeup most likely streaked all over my face, my hair stuck to my cheeks from my tears. 

"Yeah." I sniff. "Just a stupid argument with one of my friends."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. "No. I'm good."

He nods before reaching out with his thumb to wipe a stray tear from under my eye. Then he's leaning in. I close my eyes leaning in closer and then he's lips are pressing onto mine. My first kiss. My stomach erupts in butterflies and I lose myself in the kiss, all thoughts of Ron falling away. 


A/N: If there's anything I'm good at writing, it's crying. I have a ton of experience with that 😗✌. Anyways, I really think the Yule Ball was the turning point for Ron and Hermione's relationship which is why I also wanted to make it the turning point for Ron and y/n, since this story is inspired by both Romione and "FFF" by Zara Larsson. 

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