5 - grimauld place

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The rebellion begins



"I really don't think my relationship is any of your business Ronald." I tell him sternly, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance. I feel like we've been having a different variation of this discussion every week since Theo and I got together at the Yule Ball. Well, maybe that's because we have. But as I keep telling him everytime, it really isn't any of his business and I don't know why he cares so much. 

"You're my best friend y/n, of course it's my business. Especially since we're on the brink of an all out wizarding war. You have no idea what he could be up to in France. He could be practicing the dark arts or he could even be a Death Eater." Ron argues. 

I roll my eyes at him. "Don't be ridiculous Ronald. He's spending the summer holidays with his family in Belgium and then when September comes he'll be going back to Beauxbatons for his last year. Besides, I think I would know if my boyfriend was a Death Eater."

I know Ron wants to say something else, probably along the lines of how Theo is too old to be my boyfriend, but he doesn't get the chance since at that moment the bedroom door opens revealing Harry and Hermione.

"Good. You're done arguing." Hermione sighs walking into the room. 

"Harry!" I cry out, throwing myself into his arms as I wrap him in a tight hug. I pull away, "Are you all right?" I ask, looking him over. "We overhead them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything." I urge. 

"Let the man breathe, y/n." Ron huffs and I shoot him a glare, knowing he's still pissy about our argument. He has no right to get upset over my relationship with Theo. If he had been interested in me, he could've asked me to the ball. But he didn't. Unless you count when he asked me as a last resort as so not to show up alone. Besides, I couldn't care less about how he feels when it comes to me and Theo. My feelings for Ron are long gone. 

"This hearing at the Ministry is just outrageous! I've looked it up and they can't expel you! It would be totally unfair!" Hermione exclaims. 

"Well, my whole life has been everything but fair." Harry mutters. "So what is this place?"

"Headquarters." Hermione answers.

"Of the Order of the Phoenix." I add. "It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it when they first fought You-Know-Who."

"And you couldn't put all of this in a letter, I suppose? I've practically gone all summer without so much as a scrap of news."

Ron sighs. "We wanted to tell you, mate. We really did. Only..."

"Only what?" Harry demands. 

"Only Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." I blurt out. 

Harry pauses for a moment and when he starts to speak again, his words are fuelled by anger, "Dumbledore said that? Why would he want to keep me in the dark? I mean, I could help! I'm the one who saw Voldemort return! I'm the one who fought him! I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed!"

"We know Harry." Hermione says, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But the ministry has been monitoring owls lately and we all know Fudge doesn't believe what's happening." 

Before Harry can protest any further, Molly knocks on the door to let us know supper is ready.


THE next few days are spent cleaning up the house, getting it in better shape for use as Headquarters. We dust off furniture and wash walls, all without the use of magic since we're under seventeen. We also clean out pesky creatures, get rid of doxy eggs and throw out a ton of old objects that once belonged to the Black family, that Sirius doesn't want. Which now that I think about it is everything. Of course, Kreacher does tend to steal a few things from the trash pile. 

Now I'm sitting in the room I share with Ginny reading one of the required books for the school year when Fred and George pop up on either side of me. Literally pop up. Ever since they passed their apparition test at the end of their sixth year, they've been apparated instead of walking. And basically using their magic for everything, something Molly has continuously scolded them for. 

"Hey y/n." They both say in perfect unison. 

"Fred, George." I nod. "What can I do for you?" I ask, setting my book aside.

"We just thought it would be the polite thing to let you know about the bet we have going on." Fred tells me.

I look at them quizzically. "Bet? What are you talking about?"

"We've decided to take peoples bets about how long they think it will take before you and Ron finally get together." George says. 

I give them both incredulous looks, "You do realise I have a boyfriend, right?"

"Oh yes, we know all about Theo Laurent." Fred laughs. 

"Ron wouldn't stop complaining about him for the first month of summer while we were still at The Burrow, before you came here." George adds. 

"But, we strongly believe that this is merely an obstacle in the grand scheme of things." Fred points out. 

I roll my eyes at them. "Whatever you guys say." But curiosity gets the best of me. "So what have people bet?"

"Charlie says never. Bill says by the end of summer vacation. Ginny says by Christmas." George tells me. 

I sigh. "And what about you guys?" I ask. 

"We didn't bet anything specific. It'll happen when Ron gets over himself enough to confess his feelings and not be such a git." Fred says. 

"Why is everyone so certain that Ron and I will end up together? I mean, we're just friends." I defend. 

"Only time will tell." George grins and then they two of them disappear with another pop.

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