12 - breakup

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I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache, the result of drinking too much firewhiskey last night at the party. At least it's Sunday and after doing most of my homework yesterday, I can pretty much relax all day. 

I decide to pay Theo a visit in Ravenclaw Tower since I haven't seen him since Friday night, with the party last night being for Gryffindors only. I spent most of the party ranting to Harry about how horrible Umbridge is. Normally Ron would be the one I rant to, but he was otherwise occupied. Lavender was hanging off his arm, flirting constantly. Ron didn't seem to pay her any mind, just politely hanging around, but I still felt a jab of jealousy surge through me at the sight of them together. But surely that was just because I didn't want someone to steal my bestfriend away from me, right?

Luna is lingering outside the tower when I get there and doesn't hesitate to solve the riddle to let me into the Tower. Once inside I hurry up the stairs and open the room to his dorm, but what I see stops me in my tracks.

"What the fuck?" I blurt out, taking in the sight before me. Theo is pressing a girl into the mattress of his bed, his lips kissing down her neck as he moves inside her.

Upon hearing me, he pulls away from her and the girl covers herself up with the sheets, looking shocked and embarrassed. As she should be. And now that I can see her face, I recognize her as Penelope Clearwater, Percy Weasley's ex-girlfriend. 

"Y/N, I can explain." Theo says hurriedly, scrambling for his clothes. 

My eyes are tearing up but they're tears of anger not sadness. "Explain what? That your dick 'accidentally' slipped into another girl?" I ask disbelievingly.

Maybe he was expecting me to just roll over and expect whatever petty explanation he gave me, that I would just believe him, because he looks stricken at first and then he turns upset. But what right does he have to be upset? He's the one who cheated on me. 

"Like you don't fuck Weasley from time to time." He accuses.

I gasp. "I don't actually! I've never even had sex before! You're the only guy I've ever even kissed!"

He opens his mouth to say something but then seems to think better of it. "We're done." I say fiercely, whipping around and hurrying out of the room, willing the tears not to fall until I'm alone. 

I run out of the Ravenclaw common room straight into Luna. "Sorry." I mutter, before hurrying away from her, not waiting for her to talk to me or ask what's wrong.

Instead I continue running down the hall, heading to the only place where I know I can be alone, the astronomy tower. 


I thankfully make it to the astronomy tower without running into anyone else and once there, I let go of the tears I've been holding back. They stream steadily down my cheeks as I sob into my hands, oblivious to the world around me. Slowly my tears dissipate from those of anger, becoming simple tears of sadness.

How could he do this to me? That's to question that keeps running through my brain. I mean, I thought we were happy together but apparently not. At least not on his end of things. What is the sex? Or rather the lack of? I mean, I get it. He's an 18 year old, guy he wants sex. Is that why he was with Penelope? For sex? Maybe if I had just had sex with him that night, or done something, we would still be together and he wouldn't have cheated on me.

A moment later I mentally scold myself. This is not my fault. I mean, every teenager gets horny from time to time, but that doesn't drive them to cheat. If he needed release that badly he could have just used his hand and taken care of it himself. This isn't my fault. It's his for being an utter asshole. But even that revelation isn't enough to quell my sobs at the fact that the relationship is over.

"Y/N?" I hear my voice called in a very familiar voice. Ron.

I look up at him, meeting my eyes, sure that I look like an absolute mess. "How did you know I was here?" I sniff.

"Luna saw you running out of Ravenclaw Tower, she came and told me, saying you were upset and figured you might want to talk to someone."

"You were right." I blurt out. "About Theo."

"He's a death eater?!"

"No." I say, shaking my head as I chuckle escapes me. "He wasn't could enough for me."

"Well, I'm glad you finally got it through your thick skull." Ron laughs, taking a seat next to me.

"More like it took seeing him with another girl to get it through my head." I tell him.

"That bastard." Ron huffs. "I'll hex him for you, if you want. I've gotten pretty good at some of them."

"No, that's alright. I just need time to get over it. I mean, part of me is mad at him and then the other part is sad that it's over. I don't know if that makes sense?"

"It does. And you have every right to take as long as you need to move past it." Ron says, pulling me closer against his side.

I rest my head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Ron. You're the best."

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