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I watched as the marshmallows in my cup moved slowly in circles as I tilted the cup side to side slowly before taking a sip, the steam from the hot chocolate rushing to my face as my tongue burned from the temperature of the drink. But I didn't mind as I was already used to it, I noticed how Dust was staring at me as I drank my hot chocolate so I sat it down and wiped the rest of the hot drink off my lips as I looked back at Dust. "Is something bothering you?" I asked, tilting my head slightly as I noticed his face flush purple before looking away. "No... w-well..." He pointed behind me, causing me to turn my head and face the person sitting behind me. He wasn't looking at me, but instead he was looking at Swap. She was a kid in my Art class and was super friendly to everyone she saw, but it surprised me to see him blushing over a kid that's practically 4 years younger than him. Not to mention, Swap already had a boyfriend. "You know she has a boyfriend, right?" I said, watching as Dust's expression shifted before it turning into a wide goofy grin, resting his head on his hands as he watched Swap drink her strawberry flavored boba tea. I sighed and frowned at the point he was flustered over a 17 year old girl, I mean I don't blame him. She is pretty curvy and is more "bigger" than the other girls, meaning that ALL of the boy's fall head over heals for her. Including girls. Once we had a old teacher that was fired in freshman year because he was caught with pornography of Swap, and she was only turning 14 at the time.

I wave my hand in front of Dust's face as I tried to get his attention, it didn't work so I knew the only option was to slap him. I mean, she was technically still a minor and he didn't need to be looking as a 17 year old high schoolers body, but that besides the point. "What?" He asked, his face covered in purple blush. It caused me to giggle cause it made me think of a eggplant, but I immediately made myself seem more serious as I spoke. "Can we jump over at Mr. Dream's place so he can help heal my... this...?" I asked, raising my shirt to reveal the bandages that wrapped around most my body. Dust was quick to notice as he nodded his head and pushed his glasses up. "Yeah, I do know where he hangs out at most of times. Sometimes at the library, the park, or reading at home." Dust said, forcing my shirt down and helping me up. He picked up our drinks and took one more glance at Swap only to notice she was staring at him, causing Dust's whole face to look like an eggplant as he rushed us out the door.

We stood outside before he teleported up to Mr. Dream's house, but as we stood there I took a peak into the window to quickly see Mr. Nightmare on the couch and scrolling through his phone. I felt my whole face turn bright red as I hid behind Dust. "You didn't tell me they BOTH lived together!" I squeaked as I gripped at Dust's jacket, almost making his glasses fall of his face. "What do you expect? They're brothers!" Dust said as he pushed me off and pushed his glasses up. I glared at him before he handed me my hot chocolate and knocked on the door, I watched as Mr. Nightmare looked over at the window. I quickly ducked as I glared at Dust wish a panicked look, him grinning back. I felt my soul drop as I heard the door open, immediately ducking behind a giant bush beside the house.

They talked for a little but I couldn't tell what they said until the door closed and I heard footsteps come closer to me. I looked up at the taller skeleton who had his glasses falling off his nose slightly as he reached a hand down to me, "Get up you big baby, he's at the library" Dust said as I took his hand and stood up quickly while blushing right red. "Right, right..." I chuckled some as Dust pushed his glasses up and held my hand before teleporting us to the front of the library. It was a big place, bigger than the school almost! It had books from all over the world, best of all, it had a small cafe inside and a fireplace for when you want to drink some hot chocolate and read. Thinking of that only made me remember the hot chocolate I spilled on Mr. Dream and Mr. Nightmares yard, including the cup being left on the yard as well.

I felt as something tug my arm with a strong grip, causing me to hiss in pain. "Sorry! Did I pull too hard?" Dust asked as he held my arm carefully, I made a small forced smile as he pushed his glasses up. "I-I'm fine..." I said, watching Dust's worried expression change to a sad smile. "Come on, he's supposed to be somewhere near the Astrology section." He said, moving his hand from my arm down to my hand and leading me inside. Why do I need Mr. Dream's help instead of a professional doctor? Simple, if I let a doctor actually use they're powers to heal me then I would have to pay an expensive bill. While on the other hand, Mr. Dream's been practicing more spells of sorts and recently found out about healing.

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