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Hello, I'm 18 and I'm enrolled into trail road highschool! The school is nice and all, there's the teachers, students, lunch ladies, and so on! But.. not everyone's as nice as they seem. There's the jocks.

Everyone ADORES the jocks and praise them cause their "kings of the school", well, not everyone likes them. They would bully someone and they LOVED it when someone was bullied.

"Who are the jocks?" You may ask? Well let me tell you them. First is Burger Pants, he's more lazy out of them and is the most smoker in the group. People think it's "cool" to smoke so they do the same to try and impress him, next is Undyne, she's the athletic one and always impresses everyone with how athletic she is, next is Skate Girl, I'm not sure about her and don't know much about her. Mostly cause when I got hit in the head with a giant book one day it caused me to loos my memory some. Last but not least, the almighty Paper Jam! He's the "leader" of the jocks and ALWAYS bully's the nerds, yet there is one in particular. Fresh, when someone bully's Fresh it's game over. I'm not sure why, but when it comes to Pj when he's nearby while Fresh is being bullied he always chases the others off and helps Fresh then leaves. But even though PJ's so nice to Fresh he's still an asshole.

Why? Because his group and him would bully me each day. EVEN WHEN IM JUST TRYING TO READ A BOOK!! It gets on my nerves A LOT. One time he ruined a book from the library and I had to pay for it. Plus, I get bullied a lot for having top grades in my classes, mostly English.

Why am I so good in English? Well, I really like reading and writing in that class. But the best part is the teacher, Mr. Nightmare. He's so amazing! He has such a calm and soothing voice that can put anyone to sleep, his smile is so charming and warm and it makes my soul do a backflip when I see him smile, and he's so strong! Once he got really angry at the students and threw his chair out the window! Even though he does get mad, he's still a nice guy when you know him more. When he teaches class the only thing I can focus on is his smile, his charming laughter, his mysterious eye sockets that illuminated two purple lights as a replacement for eyes, his...

I sigh as I set my head on my hand and look out the window and watch the autumn leaves fly in the air and do a motioned dance in the wind. It was the beginning of October and the leaves were falling down all around. I was so distracted by the flowing of the leaves that I didn't notice the tall skeleton standing in front of my desk that's been trying to get my attention for the past 3 minutes.

"Mr. Killer?" The low soothing voice asked, making me snap out of my thoughts and quickly look up at the person who was standing in front of me.

"Ye-yes Mr. Nightmare?" I asked, stuttering by accident and only making me blush red in embarrassment. Mr. Nightmare leaned forwards some and gave me a long gaze for a few seconds before speaking again. "See me after class..." He said, his voice low and stern and having negative emotions coming out from it. Making chills go down my spine as he leaned away from my face. He turned and walked back to his desk with his arms still behind his back and sat down a his desk and continued to grade paperwork from different classes with a red sharpie that sent a toxic smell throughout the classroom for everyone's noses to smell.

I looked back down and continued to read the book in front of me called "Forbidden love". It's a story between a monster and a human and how their love was forbidden at the time. They tried to find different ways to see each other since monsters were never allowed to be one with humans. There are a few reasons why monsters can't fall in love with humans, mostly cause of how horrific the child would be if it was a mutation of a human and monster.

I continued to read the book for a few minutes until the bell rang. I stayed seated and waited untill others left, putting my book back into my bag and putting it on and waiting till everyone was gone. I noticed Mr. Nightmare's classic "come here" finger, I stood from my seat and walked over with my bag and stood in front of his desk and waited for what he wanted to tell me.

It's Not Possible ( Nightmare x Killer )Where stories live. Discover now