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"I think I got this covered."

I looked beside me as Nightmare was standing there. He took my jacket off me and used it to cover my boxers. "Come on now, Killer." Nightmare said, his voice calm as he led me to the youth service center. ( Idk )

"Here, try this." He said, handing me a pair of black long jeans that were my size. I put the pants on as they felt very comfortable. "They fit, thanks Nighty! I-I mean! U-Um..." I blushed bright red in embarrassment as I covered my face. "S-sorry, it's just that I have a pet Bunny and his name is Nighty.." I said, bringing my hands to my sides and not looking up at Nightmare.

"It's alright, we all make mistakes. Once I accidentally called the principal timey." (Time-e) Nightmare said, chuckling lightly. I slowly looked up at him while a small grin formed on my face. "Now come on, you don't want to be late for class. Right?" Nightmare asked, reaching his hand out to me as if he wanted me to take it. I nodded as I put my hand in Nightmares, I felt my face heat up again as he gripped my hand softly. We walked together around the school for a bit until we reached my third class, which was gym. "Great..." I muttered as we stood in front of the closed doors of the gym in silence.

"If you want, you can skip gym if you want." Nightmare said suddenly, I looked up at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked, I was confused and shocked that Nightmare would suggest that. "Well, it seems like you really don't like gym. And I don't like it that much either, and you did come to school late. And from that, Mr. Error might make you to 20 laps because of that." I gripped Nightmare's hand a bit tighter as I thought of Mr. Error making me run so many laps just because I was 30 minutes late. "I don't want to do 20 laps." "Then come on." Nightmare started to walk away from the gym and start to head up the steps.

As we got up the steps I noticed the halls were empty with no one in sight, as they were all in their classes. "Race ya!" I yelled, letting go of Nightmare's hand and running at full speed and down the hall to Nightmare's classroom. As I ran I chuckled a bit until I heard loud footsteps behind me, I looked behind me to see Nightmare running at full speed at me. Making me freak out as I tried to run faster but fell down as I was near the classroom, giving Nightmare the chance to pass me. "Wow, that was fun." Nightmare said as he was breathing heavy and trying to catch his breath. I tried to get up as my body ached from the fall. Nightmare quickly rushed to me and helped me up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that.. Heh.." He said as he helped me walk over to the classroom and sit down in his desk chair.

"Here, you can stay here untill class is over and when it's time for lunch we can get food together, and don't worry if someone comes inside, I don't have class at the moment so no one will be here." Nightmare said, grabbing a chair from a desk and placing it beside me then sat in it. "So," Nightmare started. "You say your pet bunny's name is Nighty, right?" He asked, he seemed interested about learning more about me. I couldn't blame him, there was nothing to do but talk about ourselves or something other than that. "Yeah, he's such a sweetheart!" I said, pulling out my phone and pulling out a file that had pictures of all 13 of my bunnies. I choose a photo of all of my bunnies sitting on my couch.

"This is Snow," I said, pointing to a bunny with icy blue eyes. "She's super nice and loves the snow! This is flash," I pointed to a cream color bunny with red eyes. "He's really fast, he's faster than the other bunnies. Even me!!" I said, Nightmare chuckled some and continued to listen closely to each and every name of my bunnies and what their personalities are. A few minutes passed as I listed the different bunnies and I was listing the last one, evergreen. "Last but not least, evergreen! She's very sweet and shy, she always likes to hide a lot in boxes or other places. She likes the outdoors a lot because of the grass, she always loves to roll around in the grass on sunny days." I said, pointing to he last bunny that was at the very end of the couch. She was a small bunny who was black and had very emerald colored eyes.

It's Not Possible ( Nightmare x Killer )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora