You started talking some more, spending most of the night there with him. Rey immediately grabbed you and pulled you to the side when she saw you with him, but you assured her that you were fine. That you were interested in hearing him out. She had kept her eyes on you the entire time, making sure she saw where you were and that you were okay.

Dak talked about his life, what he'd been up to since the two of you parted ways. He seemed stable, better. Had a clearer direction for his life. It might have been the alcohol but you had to admit it was nice talking to him so, when he asked to take you out again, you agreed.

You'd gone back to seeing him for the past few months. Not everyone was on board with it but you promised them you were being careful. And you were. You were taking it slow, no staying over, no taking it too far. Simple kisses here and there. If he really wanted to be in your life again he would wait, he wouldn't want that.

So, as you stood before the mirror, ready to go out on yet another date with Dak, you took a hard look at yourself. No, you didn't recognize the girl staring back but what you hadn't determined yet was if you liked this version. If this version seemed happier.

You grabbed your purse and walked out of your bedroom. Rey had come over not knowing you had a date, so you spent the time you had to get ready, together. She was going on and on about this Gala she was invited to.

It was a charity event that was being sponsored by some of the biggest actors and directors in New York. Rey was lucky enough to get an invite because of her job but she also invited you, and Poe, and Finn. She told you, you could bring a plus one since Poe and Finn would be going together but you hadn't really thought much of it. You weren't sure if inviting Dak would be the best idea or if he would even want to go.

Rey asked you to do a little spin, making sure you were all set to go on your date before giving you a tight bear hug.

"Remember to text me when you're home okay?" She was always worried like this when you went out with Dak. She knew how your breakup affected you last time and she was just being cautious, just looking out for you.

"I will don't worry. I'll be fine Rey. Promise." You walked towards the door opening it to head out before you heard Rey call after you.

"Hey! Why don't you ask him to the Gala? Maybe he will want to come." She gave you a small smile before you nodded your head and made your way downstairs.

Dak was waiting for you outside by his car. Your heart ached a bit remembering how Kylo used to pick you up in that same spot. You had tried not to think about him but he was always still there in the back of your mind. The memory of him haunting you like a spirit still tethered to this world.

You had a nice evening with him. He almost always acted like a gentleman, treated you decently, offered to pay though you usually ended up splitting the bill after some protesting on your end.

You sat there in comfortable silence for a bit. Your mind mentally drawing up a Pros and Cons list to taking Dak to the Gala. When you saw your window of opportunity closing, you decided just to go for it. The worst he could say was no. Or was that the best he could say? You shook your head to rid that thought in your mind.

"So," you started, your voice small but still grabbing his attention, "there's this charity Gala that Rey is attending and she was able to invite me and I guess...." you paused for a moment looking down at your hands, "well, would you like to go with me?"

He looked at you directly, watching your face as you stared at your hands. You glanced up at him after several moments of silence as saw the start of a smile at the corner of his lips. When the smile finally filled his face, he gave you your answer.

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