2. Missing

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"Magnus?" Alec called from Rafe's bedroom. "Did you remove Rafe's mattress?"

Magnus walked in and inspected the empty bedframe: "No, definitely not. Did you hide my comic-book collection?"

Alec looked startled: "Of course not. Why would I?"

"Strange..." Magnus mused while entering Max's bedroom. Here also only an empty bedframe was to be seen, without mattress, pillow or blanket.

Magnus closed the door behind him and returned to Alec, who looked into the fridge.

"Max's mattress is also gone," Magnus informed his husband.

"As well as all our bottles of apple juice and the chocolate." Alec replied with furrowed brows. "Do you think, Jace was here without us knowing? He is the only one who has a key besides us."

"And what would he do with our boys' mattresses?"

Alec shrugged: "I slept in an institute's bed for 18 years. I could not hold it against him if the softness of ours seduced him to burglary."

"And he took the comic-books to do Simon a favor?"

"Ok. Improbable."

"Also, what about the roasted chicken-incident yesterday?"

Alec had to smile: "You mean the chicken, that disappeared while we..." He pulled Magnus closer and brushed his neck with his lips before softly nibbling at one ear. The mysterious thief seemed to use this moment to rob Magnus's leg-muscles so he had to lean against Alec for support. This was one of the miracles of their love: after all those years together, after everything they've been through, they were still able to take each other's breath away with something as simple as a light stroke over sensitive skin. They stood still for a while just holding each other, enjoying their joint breathing, feeling the other's warmth.

Reluctantly Magnus leaned back in Alec's arms. "You know," he said musingly. "Something else has disappeared suddenly."

Alec frowned: "And what is it?"

Magnus grinned: "Max, of course."

For a second Alec looked irritated then understanding flooded his face. "This little rouge," he exclaimed. "He wanted to go to the Academy so badly, but he didn't endure one day without summoning his usual luxury."

Magnus chuckled: "For himself and a roommate, obviously. But could you hold it against him? Remember the weeks when we lived in the Academy. I had to summon our bathroom because you found the Academy's disgusting. And some insecticide to exile the spiders"

Blushing Alec answered: "They were monsters. Also, back then that was something else."

"Because it was you?"

"No, because we were no students. But Max is. And he is a special case. If he summons everything the other students are missing they will hate him even more out of envy."

"You are right, of course," Magnus nodded solemnly and thought for a moment. "I have an idea, that might stop him before he empties the apartment. But we will have to wait for dinner to realize it."

"Then we still have some time," Alec said in a husky voice. "Should we make use of our own mattress as long as it has not been relocated to the Academy?"

Magnus ran his hand through Alec's black, silky hair: "This is the first time in years that we have the apartment all to ourselves. We are not bound to the bedroom. Sooo..." Magnus leaned forward and kissed Alec passionately while Alec tried to navigate them to the bedroom without separating their lips. They didn't make it there before dinner time.

In the Academy Max and his new friends, Cara and Nate, sat down together in the dining hall.

Max rubbed his hands in excitement: "Let's see what will be dished up today." He waved his hand and on the table an apple strudel appeared emanating the mouthwatering flavor of sugar and cinnamon. But to their surprise something else appeared together with the strudel. A pink onesie covered in sparkly unicorns with rainbow-colored tails draped itself over the table like a tablecloth. Above it in fiery letters was to be read: Dear Blueberry, enjoy your meal! Also, you forgot your favorite onesie you cannot sleep without. As long as you continue to summon stuff from our apartment, we have to assume that you are missing your things and we will send you your fluffy rabbit-slippers, your teddy Mr. Muggles, and the tiara with the blue gem you love so much. For sure we will find even more objects you can't live without. Never fear, they will find their way to our beloved Blueberry! Your Daddies.

Max blushed and he hastily tried to make the hideous onesie magically disappear, but it didn't work. Obviously his father's magic was stronger than Max's own. He heard suppressed giggles and blatant laughter from the neighboring tables while the burning script slowly dissolved.

"Sorry, Cara," Max said. "I guess you have to visit us during the summer holidays to try out my father's composite bow. I don't want to risk my rubber duck covered briefs to appear."

Fun and Fluff: Malec-Texting Fictons and -One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now