A matter of utmost importance

27 4 0

Italic = Magnus

Bold = Alec




What is it, Magnus? I'm on a mission!

Oh, what's the problem?

Demon attacks on Broadway. Jace and I are observing a stage door right now.

Do you need magical support?

We can handle it. Seems to be only minor demons. So far, we are just waiting for something to happen anyway.

So you have nothing to do right now?

Apart from observing, you mean? No.

Good, because I need your help. Desperately.

By the Angel, why didn't you say so at one? What happened? Are you all right? Have you been attacked? I will come over immediately. Are you at your apartment?

It's much worse than an attack. But we can handle this via phone. Here's the issue: I am planning to throw a party tomorrow and I cannot not decide if I should choose red roses or blue lilies as floral décor?


What do you think? Roses are a little cliché, of course. However, they are the flowers of love after all but the blue lilies would perfectly match the beautiful tone of your eyes.



Magnus, are you distracting me from an important mission, where lives are at stake, to ask me about my opinion on flowers?

Um, yes?

I probably should not tell you that, but... that's really cute 🥰

I knew you of all people would see the importance!

Why are you throwing a party anyway?

It's our anniversary tomorrow 💞

Noooo... it's not.

It is!

It's not.

It is! At least one anniversary. Exactly 9 weeks ago we had our 11th date! 🎉

Do you keep track of our dates or how do you know it this exactly?

I'm a warlock, darling. I never forget anything.

Really? What's the name of Clary's vampire-friend?

I know that! That's simple. His name is...

... it is...

... Sean.

Noooo... it's not.

It is.

It's not!

It is!

Whatever. *sigh*

I didn't expect that to have gone on an 11th date 9 weeks ago would be a reason for celebration.

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