1. Going

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"But I want to go!" Max cried in a mixture of screaming and sobbing.

Alec closed his eyes and sighed to calm himself: "This is not the place for you."

"I already packed my bags."

"That doesn't matter."

"But Rafe was also allowed to go. Why not me?"

"Your case is different."

"I'm also the son of the consul and you said, the son of the consul should go, to show everyone that there is no special treatment for the consul's family."

"But you are not like Rafe."

"Because my skin is blue?"

"What? No! ... Well, it has to do with it..."

"I knew it! This is discriminating!"

They were near shouting now.

"How do you even know such a word? Did you watch mundane TV again?"

"That's not the point here!"

"Indeed. The point is that you will not go. End of discussion."

"Fine." Max threw his backpack onto the floor. "But don't expect me to ever talk to you again, Dad."

With that he stomped into his room and slammed the door shut with a flick of his hand. The crash was so loud that Chairman Meow fell of his sleeping spot on the windowsill with a cry of disapproval.

Behind him Alec heard Magnus, who lay on the couch, close his book audibly but Alec didn't turn. He knew his husband well enough to know he didn't approve. But what could they do?

Alec sighed again and joined Magnus on the couch. Magnus lay the book away so Alec could snuggle himself into Magnus's embrace, Alec's back to Magnus's chest. This was the best way to calm him down. The world could shatter, overrun by all demons of hell, but Alec would always find rest in Magnus's arms. And rest he could need. Being consul of the Shadowhunter-community was nothing compared to coping with two pubescent boys.

"He can't go," Alec whispered half to Magnus, half to himself. "He would be an outsider. A curiosity at best. I spare him pain." Magnus said nothing.

"I know that I always wished for our boys to be able to be anything they want. I taught them that there are no limits to their individual fulfilment. But... Rafe does have Shadowhunter blood. And Max does not. He has to understand that." Magnus remained silent.

"Perhaps we should not have trained him like a Shadowhunter. This will make it so much harder for him to accept that he will never become a full Shadowhunter." Not a word from Magnus.

"I hate myself for not letting him go. I so much want him to be able to fulfil his dream. To be who he wants to be. I never wanted to be the kind of dad who puts stones in his childrens' way." Alec heard nothing but Magnus's steady breaths, felt them with every lifting of the chest.

"Is it right of me to hold Max back? Should he just make the experience? Should I give him the chance to prove himself not only to himself or to us but to the whole world? He could be a pioneer, an example for many after him. Just like ourselves." Alec turned around smiling. As always Magnus smelled of sandalwood and the burned-sugar flavor of magic. Alec cupped his hands around his warlock's face to draw him nearer and place a kiss on Magnus's lips. A dampened sigh escaped the warlock's throat, a sound that invited Alec to deepen the kiss, to let himself get drunk on it, while Magnus stroked over his arms, his chest, his waist with both hands softly.

After a much too short symphony of joined movements and silent moans Alec was able to think again and asked with a husky voice: "Shall we go into our bedroom? Just in case Max decides to leave his room after all. You know how embarrassing it is for him to... interrupt us."

Magnus started to grin and replied: "I don't think that we have to worry about him interrupting us."

Alec squinched: "Do you think he is that mad at me?"

The grin broadened: "No, I think we succeeded in raising two very independent and headstrong individuals."

Alec didn't get the point and asked in bewilderment: "How so?"

"Well...," Magnus protracted the word and raised his brows. "Max's backpack has magically disappeared from where he dropped it and I saw light flickering beneath his door during our... preoccupation. So I assume, that our beloved boy took the opportunity while we were distracted to portal away."

"What?!" Alec straightened up hastily and took a deep breath as if to shout after his runaway son. After a few seconds he simply deflated and sank back into Magnus's arms.

"You don't seem angry." Alec said against Magnus's shoulder.

"How could I be angry at our son going his own way?" Magnus placed a kiss on Alec's hair, which sent tingles down Alec's spine.

"You would have sent him there in the first place, wouldn't you?"

"Ever since Rafe left last year Max yearned to follow his brother. We could never have stopped him. So why take the trouble to try?"

"Because it will be hard for him. He's not like the other students. He's neither Shadowhunter nor mundane."

"He will get along," Magnus reassured him. "After all, as a baby he was left on the stairs of the very Shadowhunter Academy. I believe he's kind of destined to be there."

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