Pink Business

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This story is settled shortly after Magnus and Alec moved in together in CoHF. They have to deal with an everyday problem. Leave a comment, if you like it. Recommend it to alldouchbags you know, if you don't like it. Also, I am not a native speaker, so I apologize in advance for any errors in language.

Bold = Alec

Italic = Magnus

Um... Magnus?

What is it, Alexander?

I know, you don't wanna be disturbed on this downworlder-meeting in London, but...

For you, my love, I always have a few minutes to spare. 😘

You do like pink, don't you?

And you do have two ears, don't you?


Isn't this about stating the most obvious thing, that comes to mind?

Actually, this is about the shirt you wore last week when we visited the opera.

Okaaay... that is quite an introduction, because if I remember correctly, this shirt is white.

You remember correctly that it was white. Now it's pink and, hey!, you love pink, so everything is fine!

I love pink, darling, but I also have a sense of high fashion and I won't wear a pink shirt to a tuxedo. Why is the shirt pink?

I think I might have been cursed.

One ruined shirt doesn't make a curse.

And seven ruined shirts? Do seven make a curse?

Alexander! What the hell did you do to my shirts???

I don't know! I just wanted to do our laundry and the shirts went in white but came out pink!

Laundry? You know I have magic for this, right?

Yes, but you are in London right now and my last clean pair of pants was covered in ichor during the last demon hunt, so I thought, how hard can it be to do laundry? Even mundanes manage that!

Doing laundry is obviously beyond the skills of a shadowhunter.

We have more important things to do than doing laundry! Saving the world from demon-blood contaminated lunatics for example.

How did you do the laundry back at the institute then when you have been so busy?

Well, I threw the dirty laundry into the laundry bag... and a few days later my clothes magically appeared back in my closet, cleaned and folded.

Magically? You engaged a warlock to clean your laundry?

I have not the faintest idea... Anything could be involved in that process... I would even believe it if you told me that werewolves were chewing my clothes clean.

You never asked yourself how washing works?

No... I thought it's something that just... happens. Like weather.

I am just glad you used the washing machine and not a werewolf.

We have a washing machine?

Alexander!!!! 😲

Just kidding.

This is damn serious! No, it's beyond serious! This is about my clothes!

Sorry. But what shall I do now?

Why don't you ask someone back at the institute for Maia's phone number?

Hey, I thought this was serious?!

For YOU this is serious, my love!

You do realize that addressing me like that counteracts your intentions?

True, but what can I do? I never thought I would love someone more than my shirts, till you came along 😘

I love you too. 😘 And I will settle this pink business. I'll try texting Izzy.


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