A/N's Note

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Well guys...thats it. I- I hope i didn't drag out the story too long to where it got boring...I tried my best with it because it was my first time.
My story writing skill isn't that good but i tried. I hope the chapters weren't too short or lame. Thanks for the support so far😭😭😭💖💖💖Thank you for reading. It's my first time but I'm surprisingly doing well💖💖😭😭. I love yall so much. I hope you enjoyed it.

Sukuna was poorly written in this ff T-T no doubt about it. A real knockoff. My apologies.

Ok but the last chapter- 10/10 cringy. Definitely have to admit. Im sorry i put y'all through that.

Might start a Gojo, Itadori, Megumi or a Toge fanfic next. Or who knows maybe I'll switch animes and go to idk...aot? Naruto? Mha? Sk8? I haven't fully decided yet. OH- kpop maybe...? Yeah anyways so. That's the end....kinda sad. Why sad? Idek myself. But yeah.

I hope I did well....

Thank you for your time. 😇

I actually wrote a Toge Ff if y'all wanna check it out!
It's called Fate and it's 40 chapters!
It's pretty decent so if you wanna check it out you can!

Okay, goodbye now.

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