Chapter 20

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We noticed a black car following us as we entered the parking lot of the airport. We could see 3-5 men in the car, with guns in their hands. They drove past us as we got out with our luggage. I had my backpack and a small suitcase with me and Nanami had his briefcase filled with guns and his suitcase with him. To my surprise he took out a gun from the briefcase and secretly hid it in the back of his pants. The gun was covered by his suit and couldn't be seen but getting body scanned was going to be a problem.

We entered the airport but instead of going to the public section Nanami led us to the private section. Wait- are we taking a private jet?! Dang he rich rich ^-^ . Only my suitcase was scanned and Nanami's. They didn't do a body scan on neither of us which put Nanami in the clear. We got onto the jet, which was empty, the only humane occupants were us and the flight attendants. The flight back to Japan was a 2 hour flight which meant we had 2 hours of time to kill until we reached Ryu. It was currently 10:40am so we'd probably reach Japan at 12:40 in the day. Sleeping wasn't on our schedule since we both were worried about him and had tons of sleep before we left. Had Sukuna found where Ryu was hiding? Is it revenge Sukuna wants? OMG- DOES MAHITO HAVE RYU?! If- if I go there to save him....he'd try to kill me seeing how that's what he wanted to do all along. If saving Ryu means I'd have to risk my life then I won't hesitate to help him. Dying wasn't something i was afraid of.

I looked over at Nanami who looked pissed. He sat there next to me with a frustrating look on his face.

"Hey Nan you good? You look frustrated. Is it because of Ryu? I'm sure he's going to be ok. We'll save him." -Y/N

"Frustrated, yes. Not because of Ryu though- because of you. I guess you can say sexually frustrated." -Nanami

"Aw come on, you can't tell me you didn't at least enjoy making out with me. Plus you got to see a great view. I'd say you're privileged." -Y/N

"Oh yeah I definitely enjoyed that but you're so FUXKING intoxicating that it makes me want more"~ -Nanami

"When this is all sorted out would you like to go on a picnic with me? Nothing really big just a normal picnic..." -Y/N

"You mean a date?" -Nanami

Ugh I swear to god he knows exactly what I'm talking about but he just wants to hear me say the exact words!!

"Whatever you call it." -y/n

I took a deep breath awaiting for his response. I was nervous for some odd reason..

"Sure but I have something to tell can wait until that day comes." -Nanami

"Oh...okay! I'll be waiting. Please don't tell me it's something else about my family or I'll murder you." -Y/N

He didn't respond but just chuckled to my response.


Time skip: Arriving in Japan

The plane landed in Japan around 12-1pm exactly what I predicted. After checking out, Nanami drove us to his mansion in order for us to gather more info on Ryu's whereabouts. I went up to my room to empty out the stuff from my bag when i realized the gun that Nanami had dropped in my backpack the day we went to explore Korea was still there. I took it out and placed it in the gun pocket-hold on the strap around my leg. Sukuna had stolen my gun when he rummaged through my apartment so borrowing Nanami's wasn't a big deal. I was just being cautious in case there was a situation where shooting someone was needed. I was prepared for any obstacles that would come in our way when we'd go out to look for Ryu.

I went downstairs, fully loaded, my gun was hidden so it looked like I was just an innocent person. Nanami was tracking Ryu's whereabouts by hacking into his phone. A few minutes later we got the location. Ryu's phone was at some abandoned warehouse next to an industrial site. I was getting ready to go when I felt Nanami's hand grab mine.

"Where do you think you're going?" -Nanami

"Um I'm going with you to find Ryu—" -Y/n

"You're staying here. I don't want you to get hurt. If Mahito is with Ryu then that means he won't hesitate to kill you if he sees you. So, no, you're staying here." -Nanami

"Like hell i am! I'm not gonna sit here like a useless dummy while you go out there to find him! I'm coming too wether you like it or not. Suck it up bich." -y/n

"Listen here- I'm not risking your life for the sake of Ryu's--" -Nanami

"I'm in charge of what I want. If I say I'm going to help save Ryu then I'm going to help save Ryu. Now shut up and let's go, we already wasted time arguing over me." -Y/n

Nanami still looked a bit hesitant before letting me join him. I grabbed the handle of the back door but then Nanami suddenly slammed it shut.

"I told you to sit in front." -Nanami

"Yeah, yeah, right whatever." -Y/N

We took off, headed in the direction of the industrial site which was kind of close to K.S.C. The street leading down to old abandoned buildings was dark and gloomy and showed no signs of life. The tracker showed that Ryu was somewhere at the end of the street, not exactly specifying which building. There were 2 different buildings close to each other but both of them looked uninhabited. The best thing we could do was split up and search a building on our own, saving time.

"You take that one and I'll take this one", I said as i pointed to the buildings. Nanami looked at me sternly before speaking. "Be careful and if you notice anything strange just come to me so we'll check it out together."

I nodded then left. Both buildings were the same size and had boarded up windows, graffiti on the walls, broken windows and trash around it. There was an opening through a broken window which lead to the main flat of the building. The inside of the building was filled with dust, covering every corner. Spider webs, rats and bats were everywhere. The floor boards creaked when movement was detected. I scanned the entire first floor then went to the second. There was a small flicker of light coming from the bottom crack of a closed door. I silently walked closer to it, trying to listen in if there was any talking but it was dead silent. I slowly turned the knob of the door and slightly peeped into the room. There was a chair in the center of the room and next to it was a lit candle with a piece of paper next to it. It read, learn from your past mistakes. Don't look back. Don't look back was scribbled three times on the paper.

Why would somebody write this-

When I turned around, my vision was blurred and I felt a sting by my arm. Something was placed over my head before I fell unconscious. The last thing I heard was footsteps and the feeling of being dragged.

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