Tino looked over at me and nodded his head at my fathers request. This was probably the only thing I found myself agreeing with, when it came to my dad's suggestions.

"As for you." He pulled me aside and we stood in the yard.

The neighborhood was still surrounded by officers, who's red and blue lights shined in and out of our faces.

"How's my baby girl been?" He finally asked, trying to bring back some connection in our relationship. He lifted my head up to see my puffed eyes.

"I've been fine," I mumbled feeling myself get a little emotional. Don't get me wrong, I've missed the hell out of my father, but right now I didn't know how to feel with him in my presence.

"A little birdie told me that you and Jovan had something going on." He peeked his brow up in concern as I turned away from his look.

"Let me guess, May told you? It seems like she's doing a good job of snitching lately. Please, if 6ix9ine ever needs a replacement she's very much available." I crossed my arms together and chewed on my inner lip.

"Don't hate on your cousin okay? May's been wanting to work in the police force for the longest, but needed a letter of recommendation. I told her if she was able to help with this case then i'd place a good word in for her. As of Jovan, he's not the one for you. You don't deserve to be with some thug."

"He's not a thug dad," I whispered. I couldn't take anymore of this conversation. "I like him. A lot and he feels the same way, and-"

"JA'NESSA STOP!" He snapped, tired of what I was saying, "Just STOP. You don't like him and trust me, he doesn't like you either. He is a criminal, you are not. He KILLS people and you help them.  People like him are not capable of loving others. So please, STOP."

I rubbed my hand on my arm and simply nodded my head. There was no point in arguing with him because at the end of the day he'd be the one winning. "Okay."

"Is there something I should be concerned about? Did you sleep with him? Are you pregnant? Because if you are I can't let you keep it."

I stared at him, bluntly, with my eyes stinging at his words. It was disgusting how serious he was. "No.. i'm not pregnant."


"Did you witness him kill anyone?"

"No," I lied again, staring straight into the investigators eyes.

I was currently being questioned at the police station and majority of my answers were no. It's a risk lying to legal officials, but I wasn't about to say anything.

I wasn't no snitch. I wasn't Maybelline.

"Mhm. Have you ever seen him distribute any weapons, drugs, or other illegal materials?"

"No," Another lie slipped out of my mouth.

My father stood behind the mirrored glass connected to the room he was in. I had a feeling he was growing in anger about the lies I was telling. He can tell when i'm being deceitful, even when others couldn't.

"Okay, well that's all I have to ask you for today."

I nodded my head and exited the room to be face to face with my dad, who was indeed angry.

"You do know we're going home today, right?" He asked as we departed from the building and  trailed over to his car.

I nodded my head in reassurance. "Yea, I know."

The deal with my father, when I first came down here, was once he was done with his case then he'd be taking me back home with him.

But suddenly, I didn't feel like going back. The only thing that ran through my head was how Jovan said he didn't want me to go back and how he actually liked my vibe. I wanted to stay, not because I loved it here, but because of him.

"So the first thing we're going to do is get your clothes and items from May's place. I think it's about time we get you packed up and ready to go home. Your best friends miss you. They've even been asking about how you were."

I forgot all about my best friends, honestly. It wasn't that I didn't care for them, but so much has happened that they've never came to mind.

"That's cool." I shrugged my shoulder, sitting deeply into my seat as he drove around in the rain. "I'm ready to get my items anyway."

He stayed quiet, letting the Steve Harvey Morning show play in the background. It was loud and disturbing the hell out of my ear drums, but I didn't say anything.

"Is there any last thing that you wanna do here before we leave?" He placed the volume down so he could hear a little more.

"I wanna visit him. And please don't say no because trust me, I won't ever see him again after this." I laid my head on the window and could only hear him mumble.

He stared a deep while through my head and I felt every inch of it. "Okay Ja'Nessa."


( 10 more chapters and this book will be done !)

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