Sand and Blood

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Sarah stood by the window, watching the sand storm that was howling through the village.  It was impossible to see beyond the haze.  It had been a week since they had left the Hidden Leaf.  She was restless.  She could see why they thought Gaara's village was the best place to hide them as it was almost impossible to get into.  She had never seen a place so well fortified.  You had to go through a very narrow ravine just to see the village.  The ravine was covered with guards as was the perimeter of the canyon.  Nothing was getting in without someone raising the alarm.

She started to turn away from the window when she felt something move inside her.  She froze and again she felt the briefest of movements.  Her eyes moistened as she covered her stomach with her hands.  It was the first time she felt her baby move inside.  The baby would not be big enough yet for the movements to be seen but she could feel it moving inside.  It was an incredible sensation.

A soft knock came before Hinata peered around the corner of her door.  Sarah smiled at her and motioned her inside.  "I just felt the baby move for the first time."

Hinata smiled big at the words, "That's so exciting!  I remember when Boruto first moved inside me.  It scared me actually."

Sarah chuckled, "It was a bit startling."

"We are going to dinner soon, would you like to come with us?"

"Yes, that would be great," Sarah responded with a smile.  "I was starting to feel a bit restless actually."

Hinata nodded, "Yes, I understand.  I have been feeling the same. If it were not for my children, I would not have to be here."

Sarah smiled, "Yes, you're very strong.  I don't have any skills unfortunately."

"Perhaps I could show you how to use a Kunai?  I mean, if you are interested in learning?"

Sarah almost jumped in excitement.  That would definitely help pass the time.  "Yes, I would love that!"

Hinata started to turn to leave when the air crackled.  Sarah knew that feeling, she had seen it before back in an alley in her own world.  "Run, Hinata!" she said while moving for the door, grabbing the other woman by the arm.  "They're coming!"  A kunai slammed into the frame as they ran out and down the long hallway.

"How did you know?" Hinata asked her as they wove through the hallways.

"Ryland Tokiami when he left our world, the air did the same thing right before the portal opened," Sarah responded, breathing hard from running.

Hinata turned to look behind them as they ran, "Byakugan!"  Her eyes seeing through walls and obstacles.  "They're gaining on us.  They must have a sensory type with them.  We need to get to Gaara or one of his guards.  We don't want to lead them back to the others."

"Now might be a good time to show me how to hold a kunai," Sarah joked as they ran outside the building, into the sandstorm.

They held onto one another's hand so they would not be separated as they pushed against the sand.  Sarah was thankful for her Byakugan because they'd be blind without it.  It was their advantage against the pursuers.  The sand stung where it flayed the skin, feeling like sandpaper scraping against their bare skin.  She remembered being a kid and being caught in a couple of sandstorms but nothing like this one.  It was almost hard to breathe and she had to pull the front of her shirt up over her mouth and nose.

She gave a hiss of pain as a blade came through the sand and sliced across her arm.  "Fuck," she groaned.  She was going to be one big scar by the time they got these assholes.  And how the hell did they pinpoint where they were at?  She reached down as she saw the kunai in the sand and grabbed it as they passed by.  

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