Come With Me

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Iruka opened the bedroom door that he had seen the two women disappear behind earlier.  Sarah was giving him a glare that set him back a bit.  What in the world?  Melissa's eyes were a little moist when she looked over and he had the distinct impression he had done something wrong.

"Could I talk to Melissa alone for a minute?"

Sarah's hazel eyes narrowed a bit on him, "Hmm.  I think you've already had enough alone time with Melissa, lover boy. You got what you wanted already."

Melissa gasped, "Sarah!  Don't be mad at him, it just is what it is.  Now don't you have some packing to do or something?"

Sarah heaved a heavy sigh, crossed her arms in front of her, then stood.  She didn't say another word to Iruka but the glare she gave him on the way out said a lot more than words could.  She was pissed.  He closed the door behind her.

"Did I miss something?  What did I do wrong?" His eyes then took in the room and his mouth dropped open.  "Wow."  His anime image was everywhere.  Prints on the wall, bedding, pillows, and even the t-shirt she was wearing.  This was literally a room dedicated exclusively to him. "Damn, you really..."

Understanding dawned on him then as he took in the room.  She was in love with him... at least the Iruka she had seen on the show.  Last night would have meant a lot more to her than a fling.  No wonder she had pulled out all the stops for him last night.  She had been trying to fill her memories for when he left.  No doubt Kakashi's asking Sarah to come with him is why she was upset.  Her friend was leaving with the guy she had always wanted and she, from her perspective, was being set aside and left behind.


"I'm sorry about Sarah... she's just very protective of me."

Iruka almost rolled his eyes, "That is an understatement considering what she did last night."

Melissa laughed, "I have to admit, I didn't think she was that crazy."  She gave him a smile that did not quite reach her eyes, "So, what do you want to do for what little time we have left?  I can take you around town or we could watch a movie... or just talk?  Your choice."

"I want to pack," he responded.

"Oh... yeah that's right, I bet y'all do have a lot of stuff to gather before leaving."  She forced a smile, "Okay.  I can help you."

"No, you misunderstand... damn I'm fucking this us," he raked his fingers through his hair.  "Melissa... I want you to come with me.  I didn't ask you before because I didn't think Kakashi would allow it but since he's doing it, I told him I wanted you to come too."

A tear fell over her cheek, "You want me to come with you?"

Iruka moved towards her and pulled her into his arms.  "I can't promise we'll work out, Melissa.  I hope we do because you rocked my world last night.  But I don't want you saying yes and regretting it later.  Keep this in mind before you say yes that we might not work out and you'll be stuck there."

Melissa laughed as she looked up at him, "You idiot.  I've been wanting to escape to the Leaf for years. Having you only makes it that much better!"

"Then we better get started packing," Iruka responded.  "If we finish fast enough, maybe we could... you know..."

"On it!" Melissa responded as she pulled away from him and went to her closet to pull out two travel bags.

Kakashi silently watched Sarah as she went about her room, deciding what to bring with her and what to leave behind.  She had already started downloading a bunch of music to her phone, which sat on the dresser.  He was stretched out on the bed, the picture of relaxation.  He was anything but relaxed.  

He was wincing inwardly at his earlier behavior.  He was not sure what had come over him but he had burned with a white hot rage when the officer made a pass at her.  He had not planned on ordering her to come with him.  He was going to ask and if she resisted then he would have gotten more demanding.  He had never felt this way about anything and it was shaking him.

As he looked at the dark marks on her neck and other areas that were visible, he had to admit he might have gone overboard.  The desire to make sure anyone who looked at her would know she was his had been so strong, it had overshadowed his better reasoning skills.  What a way for her to be introduced when he brought her to see Naruto!  He could feel his cheeks getting warm at the thought.  There was no denying how those marks had happened. Naruto as a married man would have no problem seeing them for what they were.

He was turning a small, crocheted figure of himself over in his hands absently as he tried to reason within himself to not be a complete asshole when dealing with her.  Why was he acting like this?  Even when he was a sensei, he had not been that much of a domineering asshole as he had been with Sarah.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

Sarah stilled and looked over at him in question.  He looked so cute stretched out on the bed, turning her stuffed crochet Kakashi over and over again in his hands.  He was obviously in deep thoughts and she had been ignoring him, as best she could, as she made some decisions on what to bring with her to the Leaf.  She already had packed in one suitcase the irreplaceable.  Photographs, treasured mementos, yearbooks, and the like.  The second bag she was packing when he spoke was for her clothes.

"Why are you sorry?"

Kakashi sighed, tossed the crocheted likeness to the side before rolling off the bed and coming towards her.  He cupped the side of her face and stared into her hazel eyes for a long moment.  "I've been a complete asshole with you today.  I was going to ask you to come with me but seeing that guy hitting on you... it just set me off but that doesn't excuse me.  I was wrong to be that way and I'm sorry."

Sarah gave a long sigh and leaned forward to hug him.  "You have no idea how relieved that makes me to hear that.  I was wondering if I was making a huge mistake.  I've never seen you that way before."

Kakashi gave a shaky laugh, "Honestly I've never been that way.  I don't know what has come over me.  I'll try to not be so domineering with you... outside of play time."

She gave him a side look as she pulled away and started putting a few more things in her bag.  "I've never had anyone jealous over me... I just don't see what you see in me, Kakashi... I actually thought you had left this morning when I woke up... Which is okay if you had I don't want you thinking-"

He pulled her back close to him, holding her tightly.  "Mmm... you really don't know how adorable you are, do you baby girl?"  He leaned down kissing the nape of her neck, sending tremors through her body.  "The first time I thought about banging you was right after I bumped into you.  You were so adorable all pink for checking me out and getting caught doing it..."

She laughed, "Are you serious?"

"I'll let you in on a secret... I have a very perverted mind."

Sarah did laugh then and turned around to look up at him.  "THAT IS NO SECRET!  Mr. Gonna Stroll Around With Erotica all the time."

Kakashi groaned, "They actually show that on the show?"

"It's one of your cuter traits actually," she responded with a grin.  "It's the 'I'm Kakashi and I don't give a fuck what you think' attitude."

"Then that's your answer," Kakashi said softly.

"My answer?"

"You are beautiful to me, Sarah, and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about that to the contrary.  Weak minded men, they worry about what others think.  That is the answer to what I see in you.  I see beauty.  I see gentleness. I see fire. I see love.  I see my future."

Sarah was wordless and he took the opportunity to kiss her senseless before nudging her back to the bed.  The packing would have to wait.

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