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Sarah covered her mouth with her hands as she heard the panel above click to quiet her breathing.  The terror from that night coming back on her in waves.  She liked to think she was tough and strong, but the truth was that any time she had displayed courage it had been reactionary.  Her instinct to fight rather than flight.  But she was not a fighter, no matter how brave or tough she tried to pretend to be.  She wrapped her other arm across her stomach, the life that was so young inside her crying out to her to be brave.  She was useless in this situation and she wordlessly looked to the silhouette of Melissa against the faint light that was streaming down the stairs now.

She looked like a Valkyrie, the sword in her hands was held steady.  She was transfixed for a moment as she looked at her.  Her stance was a warrior's stance, seeming to strengthen with every step that came down those stairs.  Melissa looked back at her, raising a finger to her lips while her eyes narrowed in determination as she turned back to the stairs.  She softly stepped to the side, out of the line of sight.  A small twist of the sword, giving Sarah an insight that she did in fact know how to use the blade.

Pakkun had moved as well, taking up the other flank.  The two looked at each other, giving slight nods of their head as the first foot came into view.  Sarah froze, not wanting to give even a hint that she was there. Metal dragging along the walls reverberated through the room along with a soft laugh.

"Come out, come out wherever you are... time to pay the devil..." a snake like voice resonated through the room.

Pakkun gave a growl as a large sword came into view.  Sarah recognized that sword and she felt complete horror as she looked upon it.  Kubikiribōchō.  The very sword that Zabuza had wielded.  It would absorb and utilize the iron from all the blood it shed, from whoever it cuts, in order to reform itself if damaged or broken.  Who was this that held that sword?  How did they get that sword?  She looked to Melissa, wondering if she recognized it as well.  They were doomed.  Only a master could wield that sword.

She watched in horror as Pakkun made a move, drawing the attention of the intruder.  His white hair gleamed in the faint light yet his eyes glowed red, as if a demon from the pits of hell itself.  She wanted to scream but was unable to as the intruder spun towards Pakkun, wielding the blade.  The little dog managed to dodge the attack that came his way and that was when Melissa struck from the other side.

Sarah was spellbound as she watched her friend.  The intruder barely deflected the first blow she leveled at him.  The two blades connected and sparks flew.  "Well... well... well..." the intruder hissed.  "Looks like I will have a bit of fun..." His eyes narrowed as he saw Sarah, "before I eliminate the wolf's bride."

Melissa's eyes narrowed on him, "You will not touch her."

"Be smart..." the intruder hissed. "I am more superior to any skill you have little one."

"Bring it, bitch," Melissa snarled back at him.

The intruder was very skilled but Melissa was fast, damn fast.  Sarah was mesmerized as their blades clashed with one another.  She never would have guessed that her friend could move or fight that way.  It was like watching a movie as she swung, dodged, and battled the man.  His blade was heavier but she was getting in some cuts due to her speed and the ability to level more hits on him.  Pakkun was in the midst of the battle as well, undermining the other man's ability by setting him off balance.

Sarah gasped as his massive blade sliced across one of her arms and she cried out.  She kicked him in the mid-section, knocking him back while Pakkun tangled under his legs causing him to fall back.  He cursed and went after the little dog in earnest, knowing that he was seriously hindering his battle with Melissa.  He then abruptly turned towards her and sent a kunai sailing towards her head.  She barely moved her head in time as the kunai sunk into the wall behind her.  She reached up and pulled it out of the wall, shifting it in her hand as she made a guess as to what the best way to hold it.

Melissa barely avoided the next swipe of the blade, the metal actually cutting open the fabric of her shirt across her middle, barely missing the soft skin below.  She was definitely out of her league, if it had not been for Pakkun's assistance, he would have gained the upper hand by now.  She knew she had to outsmart him or they were all dead.  Think, Melissa, think!  She bent back as the blade came at her face.  As the metal went past her eyes, it suddenly came to her.  As he twisted the blade back for another swing, she dove toward him but went to the ground using her body like a rolling boulder to knock him off his feet.  He stumbled, barely catching himself from toppling forward.  She was up before he regained his balance and did a partial jump in the air as she came down with her blade, sinking it into his back as she aimed for his heart.

To say that the sensation of plunging a sword into human flesh was a gruesome feeling would be an understatement.  She could hear the flesh giving way beneath the blade, the sound of meat and bones being pierced was indescribable.  Yet she knew she could not stop and took hold of the blade and with all of her strength twisted it hard so that it would rip more flesh and organ before yanking it out.  She then twisted the blade and came down on the soft part of neck that she had been trained in as a fast kill.

Blood sprayed as the head was knocked clean from his body to bounce like a ball across the floor.  She barely registered that she was covered in blood as she stared at the now decapitated body as it stumbled forward before dropping to the ground to bleed out fully.  Her legs began to shake as did her hands.  The blood that was covering her kept the sword in her hand as it was almost like a glue in its sticky coating.  She sunk down to her knees unable to speak or move.  She had killed a man...

Pakkun grunted as he looked at the body then looked at her, "Stay here, I'll check to see if there are anymore."

He ran up the stairs, leaving the two of them in the shadows.  Sarah was stunned as she looked at her best friend.  She had risked her life to save her and had been victorious.  She had a new love and appreciation for her.  She could see that she was in a state of shock as she tried to absorb what all happened.  The adrenaline was pulsing through her, evident in the shaking of her limbs.

Pakkun came back down the stairs, "He was the only one."

"That's good..." Melissa said softly. "I don't know if I could do another one."

"You did good, girl," Pakkun praised.  "You fought like any Shinobi I've ever known."

Melissa finally turned her eyes away from the corpse to him.  "Thanks, Pakkun.  I couldn't have done it without you working with me as a team."

She stiffened as rapid footsteps came down the stairs and raised the blade up once more, ready to battle again if necessary.  She almost wilted when Kakashi burst into the room.  He froze as he looked at the scene in front of him.  He then turned towards Sarah, looking her over almost frantically.  Iruka was only steps behind him.  He went immediately to Melissa and took the blade from her hand. She flinched at the sound of the blade peeling away from the blood that was coating her hand. He then held her face between his hands, his eyes worried as he looked her over.

"Are you okay?"

Melissa gave a nod before allowing the trembling to take her over completely.  Iruka pulled her into his arms and held her for a long time.  He whispered words of comfort and praise as he stroked her hair, giving her comfort as the adrenaline and shock worked through her body.

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