Shadows in Light

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Melissa grinned down at Iruka from her straddled position on top of him.  They had already broken in the kitchen table and the bed.  She had just finished christening the couch.  He had the face of a man that was completely satisfied.

"I'm so glad you came home with me," he said with a chuckle. "Are you hungry yet?  I could go grab us something."

"Yes, actually, I am getting hungry..." she grinned as she leaned down and kissed him.  "Sex really works up an appetite."

Iruka grinned at her as she finally slid off him before hurrying down to the bathroom.  A minute later he heard a loud shriek and went running.  She was looking at him with wide eyes, "Oh my god that was startling."

He was puzzled before he realized she had never used that kind of toilet before.  Iruka laughed hard, "That's hilarious.  I thought you were being attacked and it was just the toilet!"

Melissa grinned then laughed, "Well I've never had water shoot up my butt before, it was quite shocking!"

She changed into a different outfit before joining him again in the Livingroom.  "So what are you in the mood for?  Barbeque? Ramen? Any preferences?"

"Hmm," Melissa thought. "You choose.  I'm willing to try anything."

Iruka smiled, glad she wasn't picky.  He took her hand in his as they left the house behind.  He glanced over at her, "So... can I ask you something?"

She looked over at him, "Sure."

"What was it about me that you found so appealing?  I mean on your show."

Melissa tilted her head to the side and smiled.  "You have such a gentle heart.  The way that you watched over Naruto was very endearing to me.  You became like his father even though the nine-tails killed your parents.  You're so funny sometimes that I would just laugh and laugh. Of course, you're sexy as hell..."  She hesitated for a minute, "The main reason though is because of your love of helping kids your whole life.  You've dedicated yourself to that and I absolutely adore that."

Iruka felt his cheeks warm a bit, "Wow... Thank you for telling me that.  I don't feel like I've done a whole lot in the grand scheme of things."

"You did the greatest thing of everyone, Iruka," she said with all seriousness.  "You were the one that made Naruto the man he became.  If you hadn't reached out to him... who knows what would have happened to him.  He might even have gone down the same dark path Obito did.  They were so much alike after all."

Iruka pulled her into the barbeque place and found them a booth by the window.  Melissa looked around with wide eyes, excited to try the barbeque that she had seen on the show.  It always looked so good.  As she looked around she noticed eyes were on them.

"Why is everyone staring at us?"

He glanced around then gave a little laugh, putting his hand on the back of his neck.  "Well... I'm not known for taking a lady around.  Whenever I've gone out in the past, it's always been on the downlow."

"Oh..." she said.  "Um... Iruka, is our relationship going to cause you problems at the academy?"

Iruka made a face, "Nah.  Why would it cause problems?"


Sarah felt like a limp noodle.  Kakashi had finally had enough and had passed out, his heavy arm wrapped around her waist.  She was gently running her fingers through his silver locks.  She loved how silky they felt against her skin.  He was in a rather deep sleep, which she was thinking was unusual for him.  She raised her hand up and stared at the ring on her finger then back to him.  She wondered what was going through his mind.

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