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The dolls were cute, but the packaging's complete lack of embellishment reminded me once again that the gift was from Sabelian.

...A gift? From that guy? ...It's not a bomb, is it? I subjected the dolls to thorough pat down, noticing that the doll resembling myself even had purple eyes like mine, before coming to the conclusion that they were indeed just dolls. What's up with the detail? Did he order that, too? No way. But to think a guy like him would send a gift... Maybe he isn't... as bad as I thought?

My gaze drifted over to the box nearby where I finally noticed a card inside. A letter from Sabelian? Hoho, I suppose he really did repent his actions. Fine~ I'll forgive him this time. I opened the card with excitement.

[If there is a repeat of yesterday's incident, I'll cut your allotted budget posthaste. Please refrain from taking such actions in the future.]


I threw the card away. Gaaah! Sabelian! I take back everything I said about you! Everything! You mean sonuvah-...! What an annoying guy. Well, it's not like I'd ever get involved with him again, so best not dwell on it. I'd much rather spend this time nerding out over Blanche!

2. In The Name of Mother

The sharp sound of footsteps hitting the floor reverberated throughout the hallway, a ringing note akin to shattering glass whenever the high heels met marble. Abigail seemed to be hurrying towards the meeting room. The guards opened the doors for her as she approached. Inside, a man awaited. He seemed to be rather wealthy based on his clothing, but he didn't give off an air of nobility.

"Thank you for granting me a moment of your time, Your Majesty." The man kissed Abigail's hand lightly, his own shaking from nervousness.

Oozing an ice-cold aura that put reptiles to shame, Abigail spoke with a frown on her face, "I came because I heard you had the goods?"

"Yes, of course." A servant came in with a small box in his hands. When the box was opened, Abigail's eyes glittered with a dangerous light. "There are no problems with its quality, I presume?"

"Of course. Not even Princess Blanche would be able to resist something like this." She took out an object from the box, a glass container the size of an apple. Contained within were strange spiky brown objects, like dried pieces of dirt. They looked ominous, not unlike Abigail's current expression. As her gaze remained focused on them, she grinned, her lips twisting to form a devious smile. "Good. With this, even Princess Blanche would..."

"Kukuku." The sound of low laughter rang throughout the room, a rather creepy sound, if truth be told. The dark overcast sky outside only served to add to the sinister atmosphere. "This isn't something easily imported. I'm surprised you were able to obtain it."

"I managed to procure a few bottles during my travels."

When Abigail uncapped the container, a sweet fragrance wafted through the opening and into her nose. The smell came from none other than the violet sugar cookies of Abigail's home country, Cronenberg. It was something of a rarity that wasn't even exported outside its borders. The smell alone was enough to make Abigail's mouth water but through sheer inhuman will, she managed to turn her head away. "You'll be greatly rewarded for this."

"I've brought other goods with me if you'd care to take a look?" When Abigail nodded lightly, several servants started carrying a great number of boxes into the room. They were filled with accessories and toys that seemed to be meant for children.

Looking at the boxes filling up the room, Abigail was reminded of a certain merchant from a while back. Back then there were a number of merchants who came to visit Abigail after she entered the palace. After all, she was a customer that all merchants dreamed of having. Not only did she like accessories and clothing, she also harboured a great interest for magical items and exotic goods, purchasing anything that caught her eye.

I'm Only a Stepmother, But my Daughter is Just so CuteWhere stories live. Discover now