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I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING DAILY... I'm still a students that also have a responsibilities to accomplish. But don't worry if I failed to update daily the next time I update it will always be a massive updates... Thanks for those who understand me and my situation.


Sabelian stood at the entrance, paralyzed, and, despite the distance between us, I could easily see the agitation present in his eyes. "....We agreed on separate rooms, didn't we?" Seeing him like this, what with his trembling voice and all, did make me feel a bit haughty. I knew he wouldn't like me being here, but I wasn't expecting him to dislike it this much.

The romantic atmosphere had engulfed the room, partially due to the scented candles burning away, but more so due to the beautiful woman lying atop the bed at the center of the room. She wore nothing more than simple nightgown and was surrounded by rose petals

Most men would grin excitedly at the sight of this, but I knew Sabelian was different. The more romantic it was, the more he hated it. I tried to make myself look as beautiful as I possibly could, even going so far as to enlist the help of my maids with my makeup. I even surprised myself with how my appearance really tied the room's mood together.

And as I'd expected, Sabelian looked furious with me, if that deep frown of his was any indication. Hmph, you have the gall to be mad at me? I should be the one mad at you!

"....So, you haven't changed."

"What do you mean, I haven't changed?"

"I trusted you when you promised we'd use separate rooms. What a fool I must look like now." He spoke like he'd just been stabbed in the back by his best friend. I don't think I've ever actually seen him so disappointed, not even when he'd found out Abigail faked her death the last time. Honestly, I felt a little sorry for him now.

No, no! You can't pity him! You have a job to do here, now do it! I steeled myself and prepared my rebuttal. "I do plan on keeping that promise."

His frown deepened. "Like this?"

"I asked to use separate rooms so that you would stop being so suspicious of me. But since you ended up even more suspicious of me than before, I don't really see the point." I deliberately slid one thigh over the other. I could feel Sabelian flinch.

"...You said you were planning on keeping that promise." Sabelian spoke through gritted teeth. Frankly, I was surprised. I half expected him to have already taken off just like that, but he managed to endure it.

"Yes, I'm planning on keeping it."


"If you apologize for becoming suspicious of me, I'll go back to my room immediately."

"And if I don't?"

I gave him my best pout. "I'm going to move back in." Sabelian turned completely pale. I decided this was the perfect time to drop the killing blow. "I'm going to sleep with this gown off as well."


"I'm wearing super sexy underwear beneath, you know?" I lifted my chin defiantly. Hmph, how is it? Just imagining it must be pure torture, no?

I came on a little strongly, but I was actually feeling quite nervous inside. After all, I really did have a sexy lingerie right under this gown. I initially tried to wear something simpler at first, but Clara stopped me. She got mad at me for trying to get away with simple underwear on "date night". And she managed to pull out an incredibly raunchy set of lingerie out of nowhere. The thing was practically a string, I kid you not.

I'm Only a Stepmother, But my Daughter is Just so CuteWhere stories live. Discover now