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Blanche's bright, smiling face was extremely beautiful. I've never seen her smiling like that before. If smiles were to have a corresponding temperature associated with them, then hers would probably be the warmth of spring. A smile that made flowers bloom from within the hearts of onlookers. Hnnng, good job, me! You go girl!

To think this would make Blanche so happy... Even Norma had a motherly smile on her face! Then at that moment, someone called out from the end of the hallway, "Princess Blanche! You need to take your measurements!"

It was Miss Jeremie. Startled, Blanche immediately lost her composure and began fumbling about. "U-um, I think I need to go."

"Of course, you may leave."

"I-I'll see you again next time with the clothes...!" Blanche made a neat, if slightly flustered, bow and made her way back to the guest room. The way her feet skipped across the floor, one could almost see flowers blooming from beneath them.

Aww, how cute. Seeing Blanche so happy made me happy. So nice, so nice. Even after I returned to my room, I couldn't stop my lips from twitching upwards.

Curiously, Clara watched me as I attempted to control myself. "Lady Abigail, l, should I call for a doctor? You don't look very well."

I don't look very well? Whatever do you mean? I simply couldn't be happier! As I thought, this face really does bring with it a lot of misunderstandings. "I'm fine. I want to rest for a bit, so you two may be excused. Don't come back until I call for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The maids promptly exited the room.

As soon as I heard the door click behind them, I leapt straight onto my bed. This was immediately followed by me beating the ever living daylights out of my pillows. Ahh, Aaaagh! Blanche is so cute! How does she manage to look so lovely? I want to make clothes. I want her to her wear clothes I make...!!

I wanted to summon the designer and put him to work making a few dresses for me right off the bat. But I had a problem. First off, it was still a bit too early to gift anything of that sort to Blanche. I had no idea what kinds of clothes she liked. I wanted to not only make pretty clothes, I wanted to make pretty clothes that Blanche would actually like. Seeing as how she couldn't refuse Miss Jeremie's suggestions, if I were to give her a dress now, she'd wear it regardless of her feelings. And she'd definitely wear that rainbow dress if I gifted it to her. That's why I needed to first improve my relationship with her, to the point where the girl could honestly tell me 'no'.

I curled my hands into fists and steeled myself. I'll be able to hold a fashion show for Blanche some day. Until then, I need to become better friends with her!

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The late spring sun was quite warm. Sabelian currently stood next to a sunny windowsill and looked at the building across the way: the library building that Abigail currently resided in.

Abigail was out alone in the hallway, and didn't seem to realize she was being watched. No, from the start, she was far too busy watching someone herself. When he turned his head to follow the woman's gaze, he discovered that Blanche was taking a walk in the garden.

The young princess was walking along the garden path clad in a pink dress. The girl was just taking a normal walk, but Abigail had already been watching her for nearly 30 minutes straight. This wasn't even the first time he'd witnessed this behavior. Abigail would do this whenever Blanche appeared around her.

I'm Only a Stepmother, But my Daughter is Just so CuteWhere stories live. Discover now