「 nine 」

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for u , part nine . . .
"Are they... a thing?" Jake asked slowly. They all stared weirdly at the blonde and black-haired teenagers who were aggressively stuffing each other's mouths with food. "Stop bugging me about eating~" Sunoo whined while blocking his full mouth. Ni-ki was blocking his mouth as well, cheeks bulging at all the food in his mouth. Without saying anything the youngest pointed a finger at Sunoo before swallowing.

"I wouldn't need to if you'd listen!" Ni-ki argued. The older groaned and shoving a napkin in his face, signaling him to wipe off whatever mess they'd made while fighting. He took the white napkin into his hand and wiped off his hands before wiping all of the soup that landed on the table. (Okay uhm, that whole thing sounded wrong O_O) "Why do you care so much if I eat or not" He seemed irritated while swallowing the rest of the food in his mouth, pushing their empty bowls beside each other.

"It's nothing. How about I go back to stealing your food then?" Ni-ki asked, reaching towards the other's drink that was so far, untouched. The clear glass was pulled away and the straw was now in Sunoo's mouth, the older taking a long sip of the beverage. "Leave me alone" He stated right after.

"Nope, they aren't. But they're very obvious aren't they? It's so painful to watch them every day" Jungwon said suddenly. "They'd hate each other and then all of a sudden do something nice to the other. They're pretty confusing" Jay explained plainly. It was obvious the two had seen it a lot, the shock on their friend's faces was a big contrast to their relaxed expression. Everyone finished up their food before making their way back outside of the food court.

"You're ugly" Ni-ki stated suddenly, ruffling Sunoo's hair. The older didn't even bother to fix it, he'd already gotten used to it and he knew the younger would just mess it up again once he fixed it. Just by looking at their actions and attitude towards each other, it was hard to tell if they were together or if they absolutely hated each other. Sunoo reached over and messed with his hair as well, Ni-ki furrowing his eyebrows. The smaller beamed brightly at him before trudging towards the others who were far ahead of them.

The seven were now just walking around the mall aimlessly. They planned to watch a movie together but they didn't find a movie that they all wanted to watch. So they spent the time browsing around the many shops, especially clothing ones. Sunoo turned back and stuck his tongue out at Ni-ki before catching up and wrapping his arm around Jungwon's, hiding beside him. The younger shook him off earning a whine and pout from the black-haired male. But he found himself going to bug Heeseung who was just a few steps in front of them.

"Hyung~" Sunoo drew out the end of the word, tugging at the oldest's sleeve. At first, he planned to ignore him but when Sunoo wrapped an arm around him and continuously whined his name, he could no longer ignore him. "Yes, Sunoo?!" He asked loudly. The others laughed at the tone change. The oldest never rose his voice like that often so it was quite weird to see him get set off because of Sunoo. "Can you buy me ice cream after we go shopping?" He bats his eyes many times before pouring, trying his best to convince him. "No."

"I'll buy you ice cream!" Jake exclaimed, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, pushing into Sunoo's arm. Jake was the one that spoiled the younger's often so it was not a surprise when he promised to buy him what he desired. Per Jay and Sunghoon request they walked straight into another clothing store, rushing straight towards all of the darker colored clothing. Jake, Heeseung and, Jungwon followed behind closely, going their own ways towards the clothing that was their style. The soft hum of conversation from the many teenagers and young adults filled the store, it felt lively compared to the rest of the mall.

Sunoo sighed and slowly walked around the different isles of jeans and sweatpants, shaking his head whenever he'd reach the end of one of the isles. Nothing looked like something he would wear and if he did like something, it would be much too big or too small. He was so absorbed in looking through the different brightly colors shirts and sweaters that he didn't notice the blonde male sneaking up behind him. So when he felt hands wrap around his shoulders, followed by a "boo" he was sure to let out a little squeal.

"Nishimura Riki! Stop scaring me!" He scolded, slapping his back. They laughed towards, finding a seat beside one of the mirrors in the shop. Their friends were so passionate about finding clothing that they didn't even notice that not everyone was with them. "Honestly my mom would kill me if I came home with more clothes" Ni-ki stated matter of factly, shrugging his shoulders. Sunoo decided to close the distance between them a little by scooting slightly closer to the middle of the chair. It was only so small so it felt a bit uncomfortable with both of them sitting on it. "Nothing my style, plus a lot of this is too big on me," Sunoo said.

Ni-ki only nodded to stand up back, reaching for one of the sweaters Sunoo was looking at earlier. "You know this could work, it wouldn't look that big on you" He held the light pink sweater up to his figure, a little grin on his face. It caught Sunoo off guard to see him smile like that, it made him blush slightly. "Really? I thought it would look funny on me" Sunoo looked down at his body, poking at his stomach. Ni-ki immediately frowned and lifted the older's head, shaking his head vigorously. "Are you still worried about your body? Stop that." He demanded, staring Sunoo dead in the eyes. "You look perfect" Sunoo's eyes widened, looking away. "Uh... perfect the way you are" Ni-ki finished with a little blush as well, coughing.

"Th-thanks..." Sunoo stuttered before grabbing onto the soft fabric. He stood in front of the mirror again, putting it up to his torse before smiling. "Yeah, I think it'd work" Sunoo stated. Ni-ki had such a proud smile on his face, it was ridiculous as he tried to wipe it away from his face. "You getting anything?" The older asked, pulling him towards all of the clothing that seemed like Ni-ki's style. He began to pull out various coats that he thought would match both his style and body, nodding at one of the dark gray ones he pulled out. "This would look good on you!" He then eagerly pulled Ni-ki back towards the mirror, helping him take off his jacket to put on the coat. It looked perfect on him.

"Besides your face, you look great!" He exclaimed. Ni-ki chuckled at the statement before messing his the black locks again, staring at himself in the mirror. He wouldn't lie, Sunoo picked the perfect piece of clothing. It truly was something he'd wear and it was the perfect length on him, not too big or too small. "Let's go check out then," Ni-ki grabbed onto the shorter's wrist. At this point, they were just pulling each other around the store.

It was quick as Ni-ki swiftly pulled the sweater away from Sunoo's hold, paying for both items before giving grabbing onto the bag that the cashier gave to him which at their clothes. Sunoo was ready to argue when Ni-ki shushed him. "It's fine, don't worry about it" Ni-ki grabbed Sunoo's wrist again, pulling him out of the store. "Hey! Wait! The others?" His legs tried their best to keep up with Ni-ki's long ones, already out of breath just a few meters away from the storefront. Ni-ki took the chance to stop midway, turning to look at the older.

"Didn't you want ice cream?"

. . .

3 / 30 / 21
22 : 31

Guys, tomorrow is the last day of March O—O
I was a bit stuck on how to write this part but I hope it was good. Have an amazing day or night luvs <3

OH AND FOR REFERENCE, this is kinda what I imagine Sunki to be wearing in these scenes !!

OH AND FOR REFERENCE, this is kinda what I imagine Sunki to be wearing in these scenes !!

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And last thing, I swear! I really think that Enhypen comeback teasers will be coming out early next week or so. Or at least the beginning of April :)
- JAE -

for u | sunki Where stories live. Discover now