Sharp Blades and Pain

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Tsukishima x reader

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Tsukishima x reader


Tears flooded my vision as my back slammed against the wall.

"You bitch! Why can't you understand that nobody loves you? Just drop dead already!" yelled Kimmiko, a girl at my school who often bullied me for any reason imaginable. I used to consider her my friend. I bit back the tears as she kept yelling insults and physically beating me. I never found the will power to defend myself or try to escape her. I just felt like there was no other option but to stay.

I walked home alone, as I often did. My back was flaring, begging me to take a break from my descent to my apartment complex. I didn't pay much attention to it, as all I wished to do was study and go to sleep.

Once I reached my house, I went to the bathroom. I patched myself up before turning my attention to the mirror that was nailed in front of me.

"Stupid. Ugly. Useless. Nobody," I repeated those words with such hatred aimed toward myself as my razor pierced my skin as if I depended on it to do so. The tears I had held back from earlier allowed themselves to freely spill down my cheeks as the blood from my wrists dripped onto the tile floor. After a few more cuts, I sat the razor back onto the counter and started to bandage my bleeding arms. After I made sure they were secure, I cleaned up my bathroom before working on a project for a class that I held a strong hatred for. My eyes started to droop as I neared completion of the project until I completely passed out with my head in my palm at my desk. It was around two in the morning and I hadn't made any coffee that morning.




BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My eyes drifted open as I realized that I had once again fallen asleep at my desk. I sighed in relief as I hadn't drooled on my diorama that I had spent hours on. I quickly dressed myself before heading off to school. I barely made it to class before the bell rang.

"That was a close one, chibi," I heard someone tease behind me. I turned my attention to see Tsukishima sitting down right behind me. His blonde hair curly, as usual, and his glasses sat atop his nose, tilted to the right side just a tad bit. Despite his annoying attitude, he was one of the only people who didn't bully me to my breaking point. Considering everything, Tsukishima and his friend, Yamaguchi, were probably the two closest people I'd even imagine being friends with.

"Good morning to you too, Tsukishima," I replied with a yawn. I was quite tired, but I tried to hide it. Perhaps I had taken too long to finish my project the previous night. Honestly, the reason for my wave of drowsiness escaped me. I took my seat and turned my attention to the bundle of shyness in front of me.

"How was your morning?" Yamaguchi asked me. His voice laced with serenity and kindness.

"It was alright, how about yours?" I asked. Soon enough, the two of us spiraled into a random conversation about the newest season of a superhero anime we were both lately invested in.

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