Step by step

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'I know where it is' Lydia said again. Scott was a little nervous but also angry. 'Where is it then?' Scott asked. 'Well, Stiles know that it's a big house and he only knows that because we've been practicing my kind of power in my cellar' Lydia finally said. 'What are we waiting for? We have to go now' Kira said while she picked the hands of Scott and Lydia.

15:00 p.m
'Please, stop' Isaac said crying out of pain. 'Shut up, so this all can be easier' I said with al lot of anger in my voice.

I picked the nails and hammer and walk back to Isaac. He looked right into my eyes and without realizing it, I put the nail on Isaac's hand. 'Say one word to me and the nail will go trough your hand'. 'Stiles, this isn't you. Please stop' Isaac said. 'I said no words' and then I smashed the hammer on the nail.

I realized what I did and I knew this wasn't me. I threw the hammer away. I went to the corner of the cellar and cried about what I just did. My hands we're covert in blood, I was scared.

16:00 p.m
'I don't have my keys, they're in my locker' Lydia said when they all arrived at her house. 'Serious, you're kidding, right?' Scott asked nervous. A small silent fell.

'Well, how do we get in your house?' Kira asked to break the silent. 'I don't know' Lydia answerd. 'I'm very sorry for your door Lydia' and then Scott kicked the door out. 'Follow me' Lydia said.

When they were in the cellar they see blood everywhere. 'Isaac!' Scott screamed as he ran to him and helped him out of his pain. 'Where is Stiles?' Lydia asked after she helped. 'He realized what he was doing and cried in the corner over there. Finally he stand up and ran out of this house. I don't know where he is' Isaac answered Lydia's question.

'Wait, there is blood everywhere, right?' Kira said. They all nodded. 'If we follow the blood, maybe there is a small chance that we find Stiles'. When Kira said that, a phone began to ring. 'It's Stiles again' Scott said. Lydia picked the phone out of Scott's hand and answered it. 'Stiles, where are?' she ask very nice. 'Please, don't look for me. I'm in safe hands. Is Isaac okay?'. 'Yeah, he's fine. Can you please tell me where you are?' she asked again. 'I'm in the woods, I need time to think', 'So you're alone?' Lydia asked. 'Yeah, I'm alone' he said very calm through the phone. 'Is it okay, that I come to you?', 'Only you because.... I see you there' and then Stiles hang up to early.

'I made a deal, I have to go alone' Lydia said while she give Scott his phone back. 'You're not going alone, we will give you back up. Just for safety' Scott said. 'Okay' she said. 'Can we go now? I really want to see him' Lydia said after a small silent.

'Lets go' after Scott said that a phone began to ring again. But this time it was Lydia's phone. She picked up. 'Hurry, I don't have much time' Stiles said and he hang up.

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