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The person that opend my door, was now in my room. I was to scared to move or even take a closer look.

'Stiles, did you forget the rules of my game? There is no waking up this time, so stop trying' the person said. 'Why did you choose me, I'm not strong or..' before I could finish my sentence, the person began to talk. 'That's why I need you, your nothing Stiles. You are weak, hopeless, you just can't do anything without me'. Then a long silent fel.

'Tell me what I need to do' I finally said. 'Finally, after a long time. You want to finish this game, but we need to start over because the last time failed. We start very simple, I want you to act like you and your not telling anyone about us. The last time we tried to kill Scott. It failed, but no worries for now. Your in his pack, right?' I nodded. I made this sword for you Stiles, it's not a normal sword. It's a special one that it's capable of killing a true Alfa. Stiles, we need the right time for doing this'. I screamed very loudly that I won't kill my friend.

Maybe it was smart to shut my mouth, because that mummy kind of thing almost killed me for that. 'Stiles you need to listen and not fool around' he said. 'Okay, what's the first step' I asked.

12:00 pm
Scott hurried to Lydia. 'Lydia, is Stiles alright?'. 'Scott, something terrible is happening again' Lydia said almost crying. Lydia picked the hand of Scott and they walked to art class. There were no lessons on this classroom today. We locked the room and started talking.

'I guess he is back, the Fox' Lydia said. 'How do you know?' 'Today I visit Stiles in the hospital. He asked me if he could go home and I didn't answered him. I walked away and locked his door. He began to yell and throw with the stuff he could find in his room'. Scott want to say something back but then Kira knocked on the classroom door. 'Finally, I found you guys. Stiles and Isaac are missing' Kira said with fear in her voice. 'And I think the Fox is back, so we need to find Isaac before it's to late'.

A phone began to ring. Scott looked at his phone, it was Stiles. He picked up. 'Help me, we're trapped in a cellar and I guess it's a big house'. 'Aaaahh' a loud scream came through the phone. 'Who's that' Scott asked. 'Isaac, you have to hurry because...' Stiles hang up.

'I know which house it is' Lydia said.


Bada-boem💥 another chapter, I hope it's good and I'm sorry for the people who love Allison, but she... people who seen teen wolf, they already know. I really miss her😭 (sorry, spoilers). next chapter will be there soon.

Love you all, my sourwolfies❤️

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