"What the Fuck" - Rebooted

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"Yeah, I mean, that's a fair worry" I laughed out. He didn't react to me much, and I felt a little dejected at first, but I knew it probably wasn't anything that I did. 

There was probably 30 seconds of silence between us, the tension seemed one sided. I fiddled with the hem of my blazer before snapping out of it. "Heyyy! Earth to Marcus!" His distant stare lessened as I waved my hand in front of his face stereotypically. "No, but seriously. What's up with you, you seem more off than you usually seem." I crossed my arms, leaning into a boulder behind me. 

He looked deep in thought before he gave me a glance and started his sentence unsure of himself. "mm.. I-, well." he pursed his lips for a moment before he let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think I should be here. I don't even Belong  here." His fingers ran through his hair rigidly, like he was taking his internal frustration out on his roots. 

"Marcus, we've discussed this before, whether or not you did anything to anyone doesn't matter anymore. You are here, and you've proven your worth-" He interrupted me mid sentence

"No, no, it's not that anymore. Well, somewhat it is, but I really don't belong amongst these kids." I stare at him as he continues deprecating himself. It's a little annoying especially because most of what he is saying is objectively kind of bullshit. 

I honestly tuned him out for a solid minute, my attention snapped back as he droned on. "I think I might just leave King's." 

It shocked me a little bit. "Wait, Marcus, you aren't serious.. are you? You can't leave." 

"Well, yeah, I'm serious." He deadpanned

"You're being stupid. Stop being stupid, I mean, you may not be Dominions' beloved sweetheart, but you have friends. What about us? You are one of the few here not hellbent on being cringe psychopaths." I grunted out, a little frustrated. It most likely wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it was what he needed to hear. 

Was he always so blind to his social standing? I suppose I needed to be a bit more empathetic, considering that from what I was aware of, he had lived on the streets for a good part of his adolescent life. I can see how being looked down as the scum of society during your socially formative years might leave a lasting effect...

"You don't have to pull that false bullshit, I know where I stand in this school. -And it's certainly not with anyone that becomes anything after senior year." He huffed.

"Yeah? Where do you stand in this school?" I questioned over him.

"I'm just down there on the chain. You know what I'm talking about." 

"So... You're saying that you don't have money? Because just like most schools in America, you pay for your rank. And news flash, you aren't the only piss poor kid here." I fired back, not letting pathetic hypothetical answers stick for even a second.

"I know that I'm not, but not everyone is targeted from the get go. Almost everyone here is waiting for my demise, they all look down on me." I watched as he desperately came up with reasons why he should leave. He wasn't trying to convince me, he was trying to convince himself. 

"And you're just gonna prove them all right by leaving. Is that what you want? To crawl into a corner and die like a literal fucking rat?" I wasn't as annoyed as my tone might have indicated. However It would be insulting to him not to tell him the straight truth right now.

"I just! I don't know!" His abrupt tone took me off guard, I don't have an issue with yelling, It wasn't even worthy of the label "yell". It was more of an exclamation, but for some reason this made me flinch. Maybe it was because I was being so honest with him.

He noticed my reaction and checked himself, but didn't stop his sentence long. "I just-.. I just feel.. UGH." I could almost hear the words that got caught in his throat as he grew more frustrated. "I just feel like no matter where I go, I'm never going to actually be valued. Like my last chance of being valued died with my parents." The truth came out, and along with it, the childlike despair. 

The silence sustained my awe. I wasn't expecting him to truly open up, and I was somewhat honored that he did, but It felt wrong to see him like this. I knew I cared, but I didn't know I cared this much about him that it made me feel this desperate to comfort him. 

My hand moved on its own. It picked up his hand. It was warm, somewhat wet from the rain. He looked just as surprised as I felt. I held his hand up with both of mine. "But you are valued here. As many people that do not, there are bound to be some who do. You may not see it, but don't convince yourself that you have no friends, hell isn't that considered rude?" I met his eyes, the first true direct eye contact he's given me today. He stared for a moment, the warmth in my face reflecting his red dusted cheeks. 

"Y-yeah, I guess so." It came out timid, and quiet. 

"Don't doubt yourself so much, alright? We care about you, you're a good friend, just let the dumb assholes be dumb assholes. Okay?" I squeezed his hand with each sentence for emphasis.

"mhm. But what if you guys stop caring?" 

"Oh my god, stop trying to convince yourself that we are going to throw you to the side of the road!" I laughed out, lightly hitting his chest. 

I realized just then how truly close we were. I barely had to move my hand to hit his chest, and I was staring up to meet his eyes. The reality hit me about as hard as I was blushing. I was frozen, torn between stepping away and not wanting to leave his proximity. When did my feelings for him grow this intense?

We stared directly into each others eyes, and I think my heart skipped a beat. The hand I wasn't clasping to my chest came up to my cheek. He scanned my eyes for a moment, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. Each touch released more butterflies in my stomach, I was almost out of breath from just standing with him. Our gaze was intense, and all I could think about was whether or not he would lean in. 

Right when I thought that he never would, his warm hand tilted up my chin and as if he was scared I would break, leaned in. Our lips met with emotional satisfaction, the butterflies in my stomach agreed as they fluttered and I melted into the soft kiss. It was everything I thought I wouldn't get from anyone in Kings'. 

We parted too soon, leaving a coldness on my lips. Both breathless, we smiled like idiots, our foreheads resting together. 

"I hope this doesn't sound weird, but I hope you never stop caring." He whispered so not even the wind could have his adoration. 

"I don't think I ever could stop caring."


Yooooo, I'm not dead? Apparently. Is this the first kissing scene I've written? I think I wrote one before, but this surely felt like experiencing my first kiss all over again holy shit. I'm genuinely flustered. How is it so easy to read worse, yet so difficult to write it. 

I know this is long overdue, and I am actually doing this instead of writing an essay for my English class, but it's worth it. I've gotten some requests, and I think that I will take the challenge of writing them. Also, thank you for the requests, I hope that I can deliver something satisfying and worthwhile :) Thank you for all of your guys' comments and votes, It always surprises me as I don't really expect people to read any of my things. Anywho, I hope this was an alright chapter, wasn't really sure where I was going to go with it, but we ended up here. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Thank you! 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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Deadly Class Imagines and Short Stories☆Marcus Lopez ArguelloTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang