"At the risking of sounding dumb, why are there so few nurses running the program? I assumed there would be a lot more of us based on the amount of prisoners." Fellow colleagues nodded their heads in agreement at her question.

"Good question Anastasia. This year things are a little different. As you may know, last year we performed this task with almost every inmate held here at Rikers. It ended up being more difficult than we anticipated which forced us to only have a few people participating this year. These are the most mentally and or physically challenged of everyone here. You've definitely got your hands full. But I trust I've chosen the best nurses to handle it. You all have your degrees in nursing and psychology which should be good enough to hold you through."

Before anyone else could get another question in, he continued speaking, simultaneously looking at his watch. "That'll be all for today, come to my office for any further inquiries. I expect to find you all here bright and early on Monday morning. We start at seven. That gives you three days to get your shit together and focus. Your schedule will be waiting on your desk that morning."

He got off the table he had been standing on and strutted out of the hall without another word, two guards following suit.

"The most mentally and physically challenged huh? We really got the mad bunch this year." I giggled lightly at my friend beside me as chatter echoed through the walls. "Who were you assigned to anyway?" I asked her, we hadn't discussed who she'd be working with yet.

"I got James Pillar. Never heard of him though." Her eyes scanned through the front page of his file and I did the same to mine. I already knew what was important about Alejandro. Well at least I think I do.

I skimmed through the pages which held information on the man. I took note of how his file was less stacked than everyone else's but I shrugged it off. The less I know the better. His birthdate, weight and other miscellaneous files were printed onto the paper and I rolled my eyes shutting the folder completely.

"This James guy sounds pretty hot based off his file." I snorted in disgust towards Ana's remark. "What? Listen, six five, twenty six, two hundred and sixty pounds, brown hair, brown eyes." She listed off his physical characteristics and I rolled my eyes at her antics. Anastasia would definitely be having fun the following week. "I get to sit and watch a hot mysterious man train for a week? Count me in."

"It's going to be a lot more than just sweat and gym equipment you know? This whole thing seems pretty important to Jonah." I observed, remembering how seriously he seems to be taking this.

"It isn't. He's a stuck up ass about everything that goes on here. Nothing more nothing less, you'll get used to it." I nodded and she stood up, motioning for me to follow her. I picked up my belongings and realized we were all alone and everyone had left, except for Sean and Grayson who stood patiently at the door.

He nodded curtly at the two of us, whereas Ana's escort smiled at the two of us but I brushed it off. Sean was never much of a talker.

With a hug goodbye and a promise to see each other later, Ana and I parted ways. I had about two or three corridors to walk down before I got to my office so I decided to make conversation with the quiet giant next to me.

He had to have been at least seven feet tall.

"How has your day been today Sean?" I asked, quickening my pace to keep up with him.


I shrugged with a small smile. I hadn't expected a reply at all. We were making progress.

We rounded the last corner before he came to a stop at my door. He gave me a look that said "Call me if you need anything." I nodded and thanked him before entering my office and locking the door behind me.

Behind BarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon