Klonoa - Planet Alpha

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They made their way to a spacestation to refuel and resupply.
Sonic: We're we going to follow Quark?
Ratchet: He will show himself soon enough. He always does.
Angela: Ratchet, are you there?
Ratchet: What news Angela?
Angela: Ok. Seems like Quark is going to planet Alpha.
Sonic: Wow. Ancient planet Alpha.
I always wanted to go there.
Angela: I'll upload the coordinates... oh, and ratchet. Robotnics machines have overwhelmed the planet. Best upgrade your gear... and Ratchet... please be careful.

They geared up and took off strait away.
Ratchet asked angela to upload the planet's information.
She said that she already did, and told him to check the computer.
She also told him to open the gear bags she provided beforehand in that station they made the pit stop.
They now had earbud communicators as well as PDAs.
Aswell as other nifty gadgets.
Ratchet. Oh look, my grapple gun.

Tales: How long till we get there?
Sonic: Bored already little buddy?
Ratchet: I'll activate the mega boosters. We'll be there soon.

Angela: Come in Ratchet.
Ratchet: What's up?
Angela: I'm monitoring planet Alpha communications... and I captured this distress call.
Stand by, I'll patch it through.

Klonoa: ... This..
Klonoa... from... Alpha. Please... Help... we... overwhelmed... machines... anyone?

Sonic: Klonoa?
Ratchet: Know him?
Sonic: Rings a bell, yeah.
Ratchet: "Hang on buddy, we're on the way."

They arrived and soon enough were being attacked by robots.
Sonic: We need to find Klonoa. But which way?
Ratchet: Angela, pinpoint the distress call.
Angela: Give me a minute.

Meanwhile they fought off any approaching robots.
Soon enough she sent him the new coordinates to as close as she could possibly get to the origin of the call.
Ratchet said to the team that wasn't far from there.
Sonic said to ratchet to lead the way.

They fought robots on the wsy there.
The local bestiary wasn't that Hostile, but they did encounter the occasional monster.

Ratchet: He must be around here somewhere.
Sonic: What about the building?
Ratchet: Can we cross that river?
Clank: The bridge is drawn.
Ratchet: ... and too far to hover.
Sonic: Ok let me try.

Sonic began to mega spin on the spot, then launched towards the ramp that led to the other side.
Tales warned sonic of enemies behind him.
Ratchet said to them that they had to do something.
He shouted at sonic to hang on.
But klonoa came out from the building and joined forces with sonic.
Between the two they made short work of the monsters.
Sonic extended the bridge, so his buddies could cross.

Sonic: Hi. Are you Klonoa?
Klonoa: Yes... and you?
Sonic: I'm Sonic. These are Ratchet, Tales, and Clank.
Nice fighting by the way.
Klonoa: Thanks. Can you help me get rid of their leader?
Ratchet: Let me guess, he's wearing green spandex?
Klonoa: Yeah. Know him?
Ratchet: Sometimes, I wish that I didn't.
Sonic: Ok. Let's go.

They got to the top of the hill.
Some warships appeared out of nowhere.
Sonic: Incoming.
Ratchet: Ok. Now is the time. Lock and Load.
Sonic and Tales. Watch for ground untis.
Klonoa; we've got warships to bring down.
Clank: Enter Ryno.

Ratchet and Klonoa start shooting at the warships.
On the ground loads more biteshoes robots come fowards to attack them.

The battle was fierce, but they managed to destroy all the enemies.
Robotnic appeared out of nowhere.
- Why!? Why are you always interfering with my plans?
I hate you.
Meet my war machine. Quark, destroy them.
This war machine was tougher than the first one.
It had double rapid machine guns, and heat seeking missiles.
The heroes coordinated an attack.
While sonic run around it and jump on it. Ratchet and Klonoa fired at it.
Tales and clank hovered over it dropping bombs.

The machine went down.
Sonic stood tall looking down on quark. Crossing his arms and tapping his right foot on the floor, next to quarks head.
He told quark that he didn't wanna see him ever again.
Klonoa said that he'd make sure of that. He said that he would take him to some local dungeons and would throw him in there.
Ratchet was messing with one of his guns, as he didn't remember what it did.
He accidentally shot at quark, turning him into a chicken. 🐓

They all looked at eachother, then started laughing.
Sonic: Oh well, at least that solves that problem.

After they spoke a bit about the mission and what could robotnic possibly be looking in that planet; Klonoa suggested that it might be Rarotarium.
Ratchet is well familiar with that material.
He said that he cannot allow robotnic to obtain more of it.
Klonoa joined the party, but now they needed a bigger spaceship.
Klonoa mentioned an upgrade shop near by.

They were walking down the hill and back to the ship, when Blunt came down on a mini chopper and snatched tails.
He disappeared just as fast.
Sonic, was now very angry.
- If he wants to take this personal, now he's gonna get it.

They ran to the ship.
Ratchet: We can just about fit in the ship.
Klonoa: You go ahead. I'll get my own ship and follow you.
Sonic: Ok. Do something for me!?
Klonoa: Sure.
Sonic: Can you fly to planet Mobius, in the Greenfields area, and pick up Knuckles?
We'll let him know you're coming.
Klonoa: Of course.

It was settled then.
Ratchet, clank, and sonic would go rescue tales, while klonoa would go pick up knukles and join them.

Sonic, Ratchet & Co. (Episode 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن