"So boring..."

Wei Wuxian stretched his hands over his head and yawned loudly. He walked closer to Lan Wangji's table and sat down near him. He peeked at Lan Wangji's writing and said.

Wangji-Xiong. Your character writing is really beautiful. I have seen some really pretty writings, so believe me yours is definitely beautiful. "

Lan Wangji ignored him and continued his writing, brush gliding over the paper creating beautiful calligraphy. Wei Wuxian placed both his elbows on Lan Wangji's table and inched closer to him.

Lan Wanji.

Wei Wuxian hit the table lightly while calling Lan Wangji his birth name. Lan Wangji slowly raised his head from the writing and stared at Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji took a deep breath and asked.

"What is it? "

"Don't look at me like that. I only called your name because you didn't answer when I called you Wangji.
If you're upset, you can also call my name back. "

Wei Wuxian replied as he moved even closer to Lan Wangji, his legs sprawled over the table. Lan Wangji looked at the sight of Wei WuXian sprawled all over the place. He frowned slightly and said.

"Do not put your legs up. Take them down. "

Wei Wuxian begrudgingly put his legs down while looking at Lan Wangji in the eye. He then leaned even further onto the table and started mixing the ink stone on Lan Wangji's table.

"Lan Zhan. Let me ask you a question.
Do you... really hate me that much? "

Lan Wangji looked down on his writing and didn't say anything.
'Do I?' Wei Wuxian had to bend down and look up to see Lan Wangji's face. Looking at the light coloured eyes, he said in a voice too cheerful for Lan Wangji to handle.

"Don't be like that, saying few words and ignoring me again. Hey...I will change for the people I like, you know? "

Lan Wangji paused in his writing and thought. 'people you like?' Me? You are the only one to say that.'
Lan Wangji started writing again after gathering his thoughts. Wei Wuxian moved back to mixing the ink and started talking again. 'Apparently his mouth never gets a rest. ' Lan Wangji sighed once again when Wei WuXian opened his mouth.

"I want to admit my wrong and apologize. Look at me. "

Lan Wangji continued to ignore him as he put his full concentration onto writing scripture. Wei Wuxian waited for Lan Wangji to raise his gaze but that did not happen. Wei Wuxian grinned mischievously and released two butterflies from his hair making them fly around Lan Wangji's graceful hands.

Lan Wangji stopped his writing and looked at the butterflies flying just above the paper not letting him to write. He still refused to look up and meet Wei Wuxian's eyes. The butterflies flew up around Lan Wangji's face and then went to fly around Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji's eyes did not follow the butterflies to look at Wei WuXian. Wei Wuxian sighed and continued speaking.

"Still don't want to look at me? Fine then I'll just start talking on my own. I was wrong. I shouldn't have climbed over the wall I shouldn't have drank alcohol and I shouldn't have fought with you. But I swear! I wasn't provoking you on purpose.
Uh... Lan Zhan... Are you listening to me?
Look at me. "


Lan Wangji refused to raise his head and continued his writing. Wei Wuxian made the butterflies fly in and out of Lan Wangji's vision making him unable to see the paper.

Wei WuXian giggled at the sight of the Cold Lan Jade trying to swat away little butterflies. Wei Wuxian pointed a finger towards the butterflies and one of them flew and sat on his fingers.

"Don't be like this.. It's my fault alright? "

"You do not feel any remorse at all. "

Lan Wangji snapped finally looking up from his paper to meet Wei Wuxian's eyes. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw one silver butterfly sitting on Wei Wuxian's cute nose and another on his finger. 'Cute? '

Lan Wangji whipped his haed back to his paper and willed his mind to erase that image of Wei WuXian. He felt his ears heating up and he desperately hoped Wei Wuxian would not notice.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I can repeat it however many times you want me time. I can even say it while kneeling down. "

A shiver ran through Lan Wangji's body as Wei Wuxian took hold of his left hand in his own hands. Lan Wangji wanted to pull back his hand but his hand was no longer listening to him when Wei Wuxian started swinging thier joint hands left and right. He looked at Wei Wuxian to see his pouting face and the two butterflies no longer in his view.

"Too noisy"

"Huh, what?
Mmph mmph mmph"

Wei Wuxian tried to open his mouth but no sound came out. His lips were sealed shut. Lan Wangji continued to write as Wei Wuxian thrashed around the table. 'He actually used silencing spell on me! '

"Copy the books properly. "

Lan Wangji said without lifting his eyes from the papers. Wei Wuxian pouted and took his brush.
' hmph. Saying it didn't work. What about writing it? Lan-Er-Gongzi forgive me. I'll invite you out to drink wine some time. ' Wei WuXian wrote on a piece of paper and threw it towards Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji looked up when a piece of paper hit his chest. Wei Wuxian was enthusiastically throwing paper after paper at Lan Wangji. Without even minding to open the paper Lan Wangji crumpled those and threw them down.



"Wangji you look happy. "

Lan Xichen said as soon as Lan Wangji sat down on his chair for their usual afternoon tea. Lan Wangji's face was completely blank except to Lan Xichen who had years of experience watching his Didi. He knew that slight shine in Lan Wangji's eyes was his way of showing his happiness.

"Oh! You must be enjoying the company of Wei-Gongzi. "

Lan Xichen said enthusiastically, only to receive a glare from Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji put down his tea cup and said accusingly.

"Xiongzhang "

"Ah. Sorry Wangji, I won't tease you anymore. Drink your tea. "

Lan Xichen said raising both hands up in defeat. He giggled at his brother, who just went back to concentrating on finishing the tea quickly and escaping.

They sat there quietly drinking tea and suddenly Lan Wangji had a very strong urge to break the silence.'Wei ying is rubbing off on me, such a bad influence.' Lan Wangji spoke both shocking Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji himself.

"Wei Ying has butterflies."

"What is it Wangji?"

Lan Xichen asked confused. 'Didi, you do realise that you call him Wei Ying, don't you? But! What butterflies? ' Lan Xichen smiled encouraging his brother to speak up but it seemed like Lan Wangji was too shocked at his own words


Lan Wangji replied and quickly finished his tea. He stood up, bowed to his brother and walked away with quick steps. Seeing this Lan Xichen laughed loud enough for Lan Wangji to hear.
'Lan Wangji. Don't look back, don't look back. Keep walking straight. Xiongzhang this is not funny, please don't laugh. '

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙞 ( This Author Is Going For A Short Break. Wait For 13yrs.) Where stories live. Discover now