Chapter 29 - Tyler's POV

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I kissed the tip of her red little nose and bookmarked it in my brain to tease her later and call her Rudolph. I didn't want to ruin the moment but I bet that would get her all riled up. Nothing was sexier than a pissed off little Pia.

Finally, with a small smile at my own hilarious joke, I let my lips press against hers. I was engrossed in the feelings that swelled in my stomach. The smooth brush of her lips against mine sent pure contentment bursting through my chest. I could see myself being with her in ways I had never been with anyone—giving her things I had never given before. The thought of that terrified and excited me in equal measure. But as her lips moved under mine, and her soft, sinful body responded to me, it lulled me into a moment where I felt I could do anything as long as she'd kiss me back like this again.

I realized at that moment I wanted to say something. No, I needed to say something. I needed Pia to know that whatever was happening here, was different than anything I had experienced before. I wanted her to know that as stupid as I was, I knew she was special. I didn't know what I could do or give, but I didn't want her to think I just wanted her body.

I pulled away from the kiss as the words rose in my throat and threatened to burst between us. "Bambi," I whispered as my eyes locked on hers. I tried to say the words that only a second earlier had felt imminently necessary, but now that it was time I froze. What the fuck did I think I was doing? Was I just going to offer her this random babble on a platter and expect her to be happy? What if she laughed and turned me down? Or worse, what if she felt it too?

The consequences of my rash moment of weakness made my throat constrict. Pia was special, too special for me. She was fucking smart as a whip. Not to mention, beautiful and funny. All of the things that I didn't deserve. All of the things that made her worthy of a guy who could give her everything I couldn't. I would be gone in a few months and then what? I'd be going on the road again and she'd stay here. I wouldn't want to hurt her, but I'm sure I would eventually. I always fucked up eventually.

"Tyler?" Pia broke me from my reverie. Her eyes were filled with concern as she reached up to touch my face. Suddenly it felt like her touch would burn me, or more likely, force me to blab everything I could never say.

I sat up quickly and swung my legs over the side of the bed. My face was burning up as I pushed my hair away to try and focus. My throat was so tight it felt like I'd choke if I didn't get fresh air soon.

"I'm sorry, Pia," I said and winced at how sharp my voice was. I didn't even have the balls to look at her as I added, "I have to go." Before I could change my mind, I left.

I sucked in the cold night air as I rushed back to the Thompson's house. A haphazard plan formed in my mind as I stormed up the steps and through the backdoor. I winced when the door slammed a little too harshly but I raced up to my room without looking back.

Within minutes I had my bag on the bed and was stuffing my clothes into it. It wouldn't take me long to pack everything but I still needed to book a flight. Screw O'Hara for being such a tiny ass town. They probably wouldn't have any outgoing flights until morning.

"Going somewhere?" a quiet voice asked from the doorway.

"Twyla," I said but it came out almost like a plea. "Trust me, you're going to want me gone."

"Oh?" she hummed nonchalantly as she made herself comfortable on my bed. "Why is that?" Her x-ray mom-eyes bore through me and before I even opened my mouth, I knew she knew. She raised her eyebrow and waited for me to say it.

"Well," I cleared my throat and rubbed my jaw. "I—uh—guess you know that something has been going on with Pia and me."

Twyla's lip twitched but she regained her composure. "Yes," she nodded, "I'm not blind and subtly is not your strong suit."

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