Part 1 || 6 - We have to kiss?

Start from the beginning

"I answered you – 'I don't know what you're talking about'" I said gritting my teeth and forcefully opening the door.

What was I supposed to say? That I have feelings for him? That I am crushing hard for my best friend? What if he doesn't like me? What about our friendship then?


"Em, finally!" I said pulling her out of the set and towards our chair.

"What is it, Y/N?" she asked sweetly as we sat down.

"After working for two weeks, we're finally having a proper conversation" I said looking around us.

"I know, it's been so busy" she said chuckling a little.

"So, what is it?" she asked opening her script.

"For one, what was that comment on Tom's post?" I asked as I showed her the comment.

"What? The picture's totally cute, so, I-"

"Don't you have a crush on him?" I asked as I kept rolling through Instagram.

"Yeah, well, it'll fade, but I can't come in between two best friends who are clearly in love" she said scoffing a little.

"Love? We are not in love, neither do we like each other" I said shaking my head.

"Really?" she said glaring at me. I looked at her and she kept glaring until I cracked.

"Fine! But you are wrong. We're not in love, no. I like him but he doesn't and neither does he need to know about the conversation" I said as I went through my script.

"Yeah? Well, how will you act through the kiss-"

"Yeah, we're so excited to see it. It's the first on-screen kiss for the movie" Rupert said folding his hands over his chest.

"Yeah, it's going to be epic" Dan said wiggling his eyebrows. Everyone on the set seemed to think that Tom and I were in a relationship. We were always together, as I mentioned earlier. But that wasn't the case. We're just best friends. And everyone also tried their best to keep us together or try to start some sort of relationship between us.

"Are you nervous?" Dan asked as he sat beside me.

"Yeah, well, I mean, I act great, I know that. But it's Tom, he's my best-"

"Ah, Tom and Y/N, fantastic" Alfonso said and gathered around us, while Tom walked over to us.

"So, we're going to film the kiss tomorrow" he announced and I sat there with wide eyes.

"Tomorrow?" I asked standing up, "But there's a lot of scenes left between the kiss and what we did today"

"Y/N, sweetie, I think you should get it by now that we don't always shoot scenes in sequence" David said looking at me.

"We're going to be there" Rupert said making me roll my eyes.

"No, it's just going to be me and Tom. If you guys are there, especially you, Rup, I going to break character" I said pointing my finger at him. Of course, no one's going to listen, they're going to be there.

Without a doubt.

"So, that's it, for today, Y/N and Tom, you guys are done after the interview that I am creating for this movie like we do every year" Alfonso said and I shook my head.

"Alfonso, can we do mine tomorrow? I am not feeling well plus, I need to be home in an hour, something important" I said handing the script to Nina. He nodded and looked at Tom, "How about you both do your interviews tomorrow and then we'll do one together as well and let's shift the kissing scene to Monday?"

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