Lyra went into her bedroom and went through her dresses and outfits. She decided to put on a white tennis skirt and a checkered button up, she tucked it into the waist band. She put on her mary janes with white frilly socks on. She tried not to look too dressed up. She was nervous, beyond nervous.

She sneaked down the stairs and to the right fireplace. She took a deep breath before disappearing into green flames.

What she was met with was anything other than calm. Red neon lights lit up the whole living room, maybe the whole flat! Somehow the room fit a large dancing crowd. The music had a booming bass and the air smelled horrible and it came with a smoky haze. She saw old Hogwarts students that were even ahead of her dancing inappropriately with people. She had never seen such improper acts! It was completely mad! There were so many people jumping to the music, spilling their alcohol. She was on the outskirts, feeling like an outsider already.

The music died down and she could hear the crowd of chatter before they broke into excitement at another song playing. Lyra tried to push through the people, she was trying to be polite, but some drunk bastard nearly ran her over, he turned around and slurred an apology before continuing to dance.

She rolled her eyes and carried on, she saw Fred dancing with Angelina, well less dancing, she was grinding against him, it made Lyra's cheeks burn red at the sight. It was embarrassing to witness. At least it wasn't George. She felt her heart racing. Maybe it's not too late to leave. She went to turn around, but someone grabbed her.

She started to panic but calmed down when she saw Alicia with a big grin. Lyra pulled her into a tight hug. She smelled like that rancid smoke.

"Oh Merlin!" Alicia squealed. "I'm so happy you made it! George told me you'd come but I thought he was jesting!" She started to tug her through the crowd. "Let's get you a drink!"

A few people recognized Lyra and gave her a dirty look and whispered to their friends, probably to talk about how she doesn't belong, which isn't necessarily a lie. She didn't belong with this crowd. This was George's crowd. Once again reminding her that they come from two different worlds.

They walked down the corridor where Lyra saw people snogging with no morals. Lyra pulled a face, how disgusting. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Katie Bell doing shots with some Ravenclaw boy. A girl from George's year was on a table where boys took body shots. Once again, Lyra was disgusted.

"Oh! Shots!" Alicia squealed. She walked over to a counter and poured two tall shots of something creamy. She handed one to Lyra, who nervously grabbed it.

Katie shouted happily when she spot her friends. She joined the two girls and used her shot glass to take another shot with them, the boy she left looked disappointed.

"I'm so glad you came!" Katie shouted. "Let's get hammered!

They clinged their glasses and threw them back, Lyra's first thought was that it was sweet, really sweet and burned a bit.

"Another!" Lyra shouted to Alicia over the music.

"Atta girl!" Alicia replied happily. She poured them another round and they threw them back. "Fuck yeah!"

"Woohoo!" Katie screamed, clearly already drunk.

Lyra laughed at her friend. Katie wrapped her arm around Lyra's shoulders. "I love you, Lyra!"

"I love you too." She giggled.

They did a few more shots, poor Lyra not knowing to go slow. "Let's get you a proper drink, Lyra." Alicia was an expert, well more of an expert than Lyra. She poured her a vodka and cranberry mix drink. Lyra thanked her and sipped on it.

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