Year 1/Chapter 3

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A/N: I know it's been a few months, I had a lot of things going on in my personal life and sorta lost interest for a bit but I'm back now and I really hope you all enjoy this chapter that was meant to come out MONTHS ago lmfao

Xavier's Pov:

After that day at Diagon Alley, Harry and Xavier had started becoming friends. The two boys started talking to each other after that whole scene at the robes shop, with Harry asking Xavier about the wizarding world and how it works and finding out that they live across from each other on the same little street on Privet Drive.

The last month of summer was life changing for both boys. They spent the entirety of their days anxiously waiting for the day that they could go off to school and learn all sorts of magic. Over the course of the summer, the two became inseparable to the point where the Dursley's would give Harry slight looks of approval for befriending, in Vernon Dursley's opinion, a child of importance, due to Xavier being the son of the CEO of Grunnings firm, Rosaline Espinosa.

Xavier's mother knew of the wizarding world, so when Xavier asked his mother if she could give his best friend a ride to King's Cross for Hogwarts, Rosaline was not surprised in the slightest and agreed to her son's request and gained Vernon's permission for said request.

                                                                      ~Mini Time Skip~

Rosaline had dropped the two boys off at the train station due to an issue that came up at the firm. Both boys were starting to attract strange looks from others at the station because of their owls. The two boys were confused and anxiously wanting to ask someone for help to find Platform 9 and 3/4, but refused against the foolish idea, for if they dared to ask for help, people might fear that the pair of friends were mad.

"Maybe there's a hidden entrance somewhere?" Xavier thought aloud, trying to somewhat ease the tension. Harry glared softly at his friend. "Oh sure! How stupid of me! Why didn't I think of that before?" the messy haired boy remarked sarcastically. Xavier held up his hands in mock surrender, giggling softly. "My bad, mate." 

They sat there for a good 5 solid minutes that was full of judgmental looks from local British civilians and them feeling dumb, until they saw a group of people and heard a snippet of what they were saying, something along the lines of "-packed with Muggles, of course." 

The pair turned around, only to realize that the person speaking was a rather plump woman talking to four boys, all with flaming red hair and they all had carts similar to theirs; with owls with them. Hearts hammering in their chests, they walked up to the family. 

"Excuse me," Xavier said to the woman.

"Hello, dears," she said. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too." She pointed towards the back of the group of red-heads at a boy. He was tall, with big hands and feet, a big nose, and freckles.

"Yes," said Harry. "The thing is-" Xavier said, trying his hardest not to stammer. "The thing is that we don't really know how to.." Harry trailed off as he pointed to the wall separating Platforms 9 and 10. "Oh, you want to know how to get on to the platform, dearies?" the kind woman asked them. They nodded and she moved to the side and called over one of her sons to demonstrate how to go through the platform. 

As Harry went to have his try, Xavier looked around the train station and saw two familiar faces walking over to him. He waved at them to successfully get their attention and the two friendly faces ran up to him.

"Yo, Xavier was your name, right?" The tall boy with black hair and bangs covering his eyes asked him. Xavier nodded before being pulled into a hug by Eliza. "Hey Xavier!! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Eliza exclaimed, excitedly. "Uh, yeah, it has. You guys are going to Hogwarts too?" Xavier asked the two.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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