Year 1/Chapter 2

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Emma's POV:

After that whole fiasco at Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Emma just wanted to go home. Mrs. Malfoy was kind enough to buy the books that the Deputy Headmistress required for all first years joining Hogwarts. Mr. Malfoy had joined them after 2 hours of wandering around Diagon Alley earlier that day.

"Emma, have you a wand yet? You know that it is very important that you get one so you can be the best witch of all time." Mr. Malfoy had asked her. She looked at him and shook her head. "No, I haven't, Mr. Malfoy. I couldn't find the time to after dealing with your son." She said, suddenly finding her shoes to be the most interesting thing in the world.  "Excuse me?" He asked, sounding a tad bit angry.

 Emma explained what had happened at the robe store and Mr. Malfoy told her to go on into Ollivander's before turning to face his son and scold him for 'tarnishing the Malfoy name'. Emma nodded and grabbed her friend Eliza's wrist, who grabbed Adrian's wrist, dragging them along with her.

"So, Em, what house do you think we'll be in?" Eliza asked her. She shrugged at her. "I don't know, but we all know what house the ferret is going to be in and the house that this rat is in." Emma said, with a hint of amusement and pointing at Adrian. "C'mon, Ollivander's isn't that much farther!" Eliza exclaimed, yanking her two friends in the direction of the wand store.

"OW-! Eliza, slow down, will you? Bloody hell, mate!" Emma and Adrian scolded, rubbing their forearms from the young girl's strength. "Sorry, I'm just super excited!" she explained, like that was going to better Adrian and Emma's mood. Adrian rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." He said, entering the store. 

"Ah, I've been wondering when you would walk into this store, Ms. Mora." 

Emma looked around franticly, until she spotted an old man with pale skin and stringy white hair. "Who are you? And how in Merlin's name do you know me?" She questioned. Emma will admit, she was startled and had an uneasy feeling about this man. The slight twinkle in his beady eyes is what made her nervous, as if he had known her before she was even born. 

"To answer your questions, I am Garrick Ollivander and I know every single witch and wizard that has walked into my store and purchased my wands." He introduced.  

"Well, in that case, I apologize for seeming rude and impolite." Emma said, feeling a little guilty for interrogating the old wizard. "Do you perhaps have any recommendations on which wand I should purchase, Mr. Ollivander, sir?" She asked. He gave her a small, curt nod before wandering to the back of his shop.

"Are you all right, mate?" " You seem way too prim and proper." Eliza and Adrian asked in a playfully tone. "Oh buzz off, you two." She amusingly sneered. The three friends continued to joke around and admire the building.

                                                                ~Mini Time Skip~

After about five minutes, a ding was heard, signaling that someone had entered the store. Adrian, Eliza and Emma turned around, only to become face-to-face with the Robe Boy and the Xavier kid. Emma gave the two boys a small smile and wave before hearing footsteps heading for the store counter. 

Mr. Ollivander handed Emma a rather long piece of polished wood, possibly made from a willow tree; around ten and a quarter inches long. It was rather beautiful. She glanced over at Eliza and Adrian, who was giving her a thumbs up and an excited smile, before having a conversation with Xavier and Robe Boy.

"Go on. Give it a wave." Mr. Ollivander urged. She let out an uneasy sigh and waved the wand around. Emma felt foolish, but she wasn't going to let it show. A very nice flowerpot that was resting on a high self shattered before her eyes. She squeaked in fear and handed the wand back to the wandmaker. Mr. Ollivander sighed as he put the wand back in its box. 

"Not surprised. The wand does choose the wizard after all." He said with a wink. She gave him a confused look before shrugging it off. She started humming a little tune before feeling a tap on her shoulder. Emma turned to face who tapped her shoulder and she was face to face once again with Robe Boy.

"Do you need something?" She asked him politely, giving him a small but sweet smile. He seemed a bit shaken up, probably flustered due to the light pink hue dusting his pale face. "I- uhm...I wanted to thank you!" He blurted out. She smiled and patted his shoulder. "It's alright. I saw that you were looking rather uncomfortable and I wanted to help out. It's no big deal, really." Emma said.

His face had burst into a shade of red and started to introduce himself, stuttering in the process, "I-I..Uhm..I'm H-Harry..Harry P-Potter." Emma gave him a soft smile and held out her hand for him to shake. "My name's Emma Mora. It's nice to meet you Harry!" He shook her hand and Mr. Ollivander walked out with three more boxes of wands.

Harry and Emma made eye contact and she shrugged. "Here, try this one." the old wandmaker said, handing her a wand a bit longer than the previous wand. She looked at the man, silently asking for an explanation. "11 inches, Mahogany wood, great for Transfiguration." Mr. Ollivander said with a wink. She gave it a wave, causing a neat pile of official-looking papers to collapse in the process. 

Mr. Ollivander let out a sigh of slight disappointment as Emma handed him the wand and he gave her another. This wand was long, about 16 inches, and it looked like it was made from an oak tree. She waved it around, making a small group of boxes explode. The misty eyed old man took the wand from Emma and gave her another wand with a small smile.

She took it and felt all warm and tingly inside. She smiled and looked over at her friends, and their faces were painted with awe. She looked back at Mr. Ollivander, who gave her a satisfied hum. "The wand chooses the wizard. This wand is a 12 ½ inch wand made from Sycamore wood and has a phoenix feather core. Treat it with care, Ms. Mora." He said, giving her a stern look. "I will, sir. I will purchase this wand and treat it with the respect it deserves!" Emma said, giving the wizard a close-eyed smile. 

Emma paid for her wand and walked over to my friends. "Ready to go, guys? The Malfoy's are probably waiting for us." Eliza nodded, as Adrian bid the two boys farewell. Emma looked at the two young boys and smiled before walking out of the store. "See you boys at Hogwarts!"

Maybe going to Hogwarts won't be so bad after all...

                                             ~End of Chapter Two~

               *                           *                           *                              *

1,248 Words

Wow, that was a long chapter but hopefully the next one won't be as long!

If you guys are confused as to the plots, I am following the events from the books, but some parts will be based off of the movie and/or real life conversations.

Hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all in the next chapter!


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