Before We Start...

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Hey guys, Author-San speaking!

Before we start, please keep in mind that I did gain consent from my friends to use their real names, pronouns, and some personal information; such as old conversations that we have had over the phone or at school.

Another thing that I would like you readers to know is that there will be some sensitive topics in this book like mentions of religion and possibly suicide/self harm. My friends and I have messed up humor and we all have gone through severe mental/emotional instability, and if any of you are still going to read this after this warning with any thoughts of self doubt, self harm, or any form of negative mental images; PLEASE talk to a professional about it!

All of my friends hold a great place in my heart and I love them, no matter how much of a pain in the ass most of them are. So without further delay, SORTING HAT TIME!!!!! 


Christian Greiner

Elijah Jeremiah

Colin Mason


Michael Willard

Oliver Molina

Branden Escobar

Jorge Victor (Won't be introduced until 5th Year)


Zaniyah Eady

Demetrick Mitchell

Jamya Guyton

Wei Wuxian 

Zoe Shaw


Emma Mora (Me)

Xavier Espinosa

Eliza Waterson

Riana Shiah

Chloe Sanchez

Ian Garrison

Bun Tachibana

Adrian Aguilera

Saturn Minaya

Donato DiMartino (Won't be introduced til Year 2)

Ymir Yatsami

Please enjoy this book of dumbassery and see you in the next chapter!


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